RESULTS Description of Subjects Of 112 women recruited during pregnancy, 61 met eligibility criteria and were enrolled in the study, with 44 participating in fMRI scanning approximately 1 year later. Ten women were unable to be scanned (nine due to a current pregnancy and one because of a ...
Prior work has shown that readiness may be dependent on how formally planned the transition has been.23 However, psychological science also supports an increase in age of transfer. Though cognitive capacity (i.e., the ability to make deliberate decisions) reach adult levels around the age of ...
Generalized linear models (GLM) implemented in the R function glm() were carried out to test for an association between SNP genotype as independent variable and a trait of interest as dependent variable (binary: ADHD, bipolar, cluster B and C PD; quantitative: NEO-PI R (Neuroticism, ...
Although this could be a potential limitation, it also makes the study more generalizable by being less dependent on a single diagnostic method. Third, while the lower age limit for inclusion was set at 12 years, the follow-up period varied in each of the studies included. This lack of ...
In contrast, at the time of the BATH-OUT-2 grant application and set-up, there were no funding arrangements or infrastructure in place for intervention costs in trials or other studies outside the NHS. As a workaround, some of our intervention costs were covered by the trial funder as an...
2.2. Eligibility criteria For inclusion in this systematic review with meta-analysis, experimental studies were required to be published in English and to meet the following criteria: 1) Population. Typically developing 0–6-year-old children, 2) Intervention. Children's digital media use with an...
Their analysis used a measure of violence perpetrated by the patients as the dependent variable; the independent variables were demographic, clinical, and social. Young age, substance-use problems, and being a victim of a crime predicted patients’ violence significantly and indepen...
Logistic regression was fitted to assess association between each one of the 17-items of erMedDiet questionnaire and the mean adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (as dependent variables) and quartiles of dietary CO2 emitted (as independent variable) calculating Odds Ratio (OR) value, crude and ...
Information on art making activities in relation to preferred outcomes in the papers was dependent on research design and methodological rigor. Most papers were cross-sectional, did not include a control group, and had rather small sample sizes. The interventions, if described, were seen to vary ...
Once a caregiver has completed the baseline interview, the JHU research team informs the site interventionist of the caregiver's eligibility and provides contact information for that person. The site interventionist begins ADS Plus within 10 days from the baseline interview. Upon completion of each...