RSFCs were computed using functional brain images that are sensitive to blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) activity obtained using an echo-planar sequence (TR = 2,200 ms, TE = 27 ms; flip angle = 90°; FOV = 256 × 256 mm; 36 slices, interleaved acquisiti...
K., Grant, G. D. & Perou, C. M. Common markers of proliferation. Nat. Rev. Cancer 6, 99–106 (2006). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bessard, A. et al. An MLCK-dependent window in late G1 controls S phase entry of proliferating rodent hepatocytes via ERK-p70S6K pathway. ...
In addition, concurrent general high-risk drinking was included when workplace alcohol use or impairment was the dependent variable to test the extent to which young adults were more likely to use alcohol at work, not because their workplace alcohol environment was permissive, but because they ...