Additional InsuredEndorsementsIndemnificationAdditional Insured Endorsements differ from each other and reflect a great discrepancy in the breadth of coverage provided to additional insureds. A typical conJohnson, James ASocial Science Electronic Publishing...
A blanket additional insuredendorsementis an insurance policy endorsement that automatically provides coverage to any party to which the named insured is contractually required to provide coverage. A blanket additional insured endorsement is most commonly found in liability insurance policies, though it is ...
Much has been written about the different types of indemnification provisions. This article will focus on contractual insurance provisions and additional insured provisions that may be used as a backstop.
In their Circular filing for the newly revised additional insured endorsements, ISO does raise the issue of whether the additional insured endorsement is to provide coverage only for the additional insured's vicarious liability arising out of the named insured's acts or coverage for the additional i...
addition,fundamental operation of arithmetic, denoted by +. In counting,a+brepresents the number of items in the union of two collections having no common members (disjoint sets), having respectivelyaandbmembers. In geometrya+bmight, for example, represent the area of the union of two disjoint...
Have any of us who have ever insisted or fought hard to get someone added as an “additional named insured” ever seen the endorsement that does such a thing? I doubt it. But, if you insist on seeing such an endorsement, expect what is called a “manuscript” endorsement. That’s one...
additional insured coverage extend, but with the new endorsement form, this court-made limitation could be the basis for denial of coverage to an additional insured. It would seem that leases and other contracts could be re-written to require that one be named as an additional insured with ...
Fourth Circuit Enforces Restrictions in Additional Insured Endorsement
New York Appellate Division Applies Unambiguous Policy Language to Limit Coverage Under Additional Insured EndorsementJohn R. Casciano
Frederic J. Giordano