A blanket additional insuredendorsementis an insurance policy endorsement that automatically provides coverage to any party to which the named insured is contractually required to provide coverage. A blanket additional insured endorsement is most commonly found in liability insurance policies, though it is ...
Additional InsuredEndorsementsIndemnificationAdditional Insured Endorsements differ from each other and reflect a great discrepancy in the breadth of coverage provided to additional insureds. A typical conJohnson, James ASocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Additional insured is a type of status associated with generalliability insurancepolicies that provides coverage to other individuals or groups that were not initially named in the policy. With an additional insuredendorsement, the additional insured will then be protected under the named insurer's poli...
and this is where the terms additional interest and additional insured come into play. It’s important to keep in mind that there isn’t a separate additional interest insurance policy, but an additional interest or additional insurance clause or endorsement added to the existing auto insurance pol...
policy. The court reasoned that since the certificate of insurance was produced by an independent insurance broker, and not Erie, its terms were not a part of the policy. As such, the scope of coverage for Davis could only be found by analyzing...
the 1993 Insurance Services Office (ISO) Additional Insured Endorsement to extend coverage to an additional insured in situations where the additional insured was solely negligent prompted ISO to revise this endorsement so as to require at least partial fault on the part of the named insured. In...
Overlooked Obtaining an Additional Insured Endorsement? You Might Be Saved by the Automatic Additional Insured Endorsement - or Might NotDyer, Richard
Fourth Circuit Enforces Restrictions in Additional Insured Endorsement
Additional-insured endorsement compels defense for lessorWatson, Richard J
Think You Are Covered By An Additional Insured Endorsement? Recent Opinion Serves as a Reminder to Read the Coverage LanguageMatthew T. Vocci