cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10.2)project(test)SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output)#设置可执行目标文件的输出目录 include_directories(sub)add_subdirectory(sub)add_executable(runtest main.cpp)target_sources(runtest test.cpp) // test.h#include<string>voidtest(std::string str);// test....
——阿列克谢耶维奇 分享一个jquery选择器的小技巧 我们可以通过自定义属性键值选中一个元素 例如如下...
A pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the executable file for the application, including the file name extension. The maximum length of this path is MAX_PATH characters. [in] bAllUsers If this parameter is TRUE, the application name is added to the list of excluded appli...
A pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the executable file for the application, including the file name extension. The maximum length of this path is MAX_PATH characters.[in] bAllUsersIf this parameter is TRUE, the application name is added to the list of excluded ...
我想建立我的应用程序,使得调试模式是一个控制台应用程序,并释放模式是一个Win32应用程序.按照我需要添加WIN32至 add_executable这取决于我是否想一个控制台应用程序或没有. 我的Visual Studio中,我可以'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE(生成的项目包含多个配置).我怎么能告诉CMakeWIN32对发布版本,并忽略它的调试版...
我们平时所说的程序,是指双击后就可以直接运行的程序,这样的程序被称为可执行程序(Executable Program)。在 Windows 下,可执行程序的后缀有 .exe 和 .com(其中 .exe 比较常见);在类 UNIX 系统(Linux、Mac OS 等)下,可执行程序没有特定的后缀,系统根据文件的头部信息来判断是否是可执行程序。
This parameter allows you to direct the compiler to generate an executable file, embed resources, or set command-line options, such as the "/unsafe" option. This parameter implements the CompilerParameters class (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters). ...
This parameter allows you to direct the compiler to generate an executable file, embed resources, or set command-line options, such as the/unsafeoption. Type:String[] Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False ...
ExecutableType Execute ExecuteDDL ExistingConnection ExistingConnectionFormat ExistsInCollection Salir ExitFullScreen ExlcudeScript Expanda ExpandableContentControl ExpandAll ExpandArrow ExpandDown ExpandDownGroup Expander ExpandRight ExpandRightGroup ExpandScope ExplodedDoughnutChart ExplodedPieChart Exportación ExportData...
最后,我们需要在add_executable或者add_library命令中,将最终的源文件作为输入。这样,当我们执行构建命令时,CMake就会自动执行这两个add_custom_command,完成复杂的构建流程。 add_executable(my_program final_source_file other_source_files...) 以上就是如何使用add_custom_command进行复杂的构建流程控制的详细步骤。