addColumn是一个用于在关系表中添加新列的操作。在Laravel框架中,backpack是一个功能强大的扩展包,用于快速构建管理界面。addColumn是backpack提供的一个方法,用于向关系表中添加新的列。 使用addColumn方法可以通过以下步骤来添加新列: 在Laravel项目中安装并配置backpack扩展包。 打开与关系表对应的数据库迁移文件,通常...
} Therefore, when i eager-load the 'categories' i also eager-load each the threads associated with each category. But i want also to add a new column on the category model, with the some of the replies_count, the same as withCount. For example groups => ["id "=>1,"title"=>"some...
Add Column with specific order Just pass the column order as the third argument ofaddColumnapi. useDataTables; Route::get('user-data',function(){ $model=App\User::query(); returnDataTables::eloquent($model) ->addColumn('intro','Hi {{$name}}!',2) ...
… 写三层的时候,遇到这样的情况怎么办? User{ int UserId, String UserName } Article...
In laravel 8 php artisan make:migration add_paid_to_users_table --table=users public function up() { Schema::table('users', function($table) { $table->integer('paid'); }); } In laravel 9 add a new column in existing table php artisan make:migration add_paid_to_users_table if...
The virtual column always adds to the end of the grid in the order of virtual column is created. Text must be surrounded with SINGLE quote. Virtual column is not sortable. Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ...
$this->comments[$column.$row]="comment for data"; public static function afterSheet(AfterSheet $event) { $comments = $event->getConcernable()->comments; $sheet = $event->getSheet(); foreach($comments as $address=>$comment) { $excelComment = $sheet->getComment($address); $excelCommen...