Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { // Create new column // You probably want to make the new column nullable $table->integer('paid')->nullable()->after('status'); } Add to the function down(), this will run in case migration fails for some reasons: $table...
} Therefore, when i eager-load the 'categories' i also eager-load each the threads associated with each category. But i want also to add a new column on the category model, with the some of the replies_count, the same as withCount. For example groups => ["id "=>1,"title"=>"some...
addColumn是一个用于在关系表中添加新列的操作。在Laravel框架中,backpack是一个功能强大的扩展包,用于快速构建管理界面。addColumn是backpack提供的一个方法,用于向关系表中添加新的列。 使用addColumn方法可以通过以下步骤来添加新列: 在Laravel项目中安装并配置backpack扩展包。 打开与关系表对应的数据库迁移文件,通常...
Add Column with Blade Syntax useDataTables; Route::get('user-data',function(){ $model=App\User::query(); returnDataTables::eloquent($model) ->addColumn('intro','Hi {{$name}}!') ->toJson(); }); Add Column with Closure useDataTables; ...
在三层架构中,应该这样做吧: //用于存储最后显示于表示层的数据,相当于Fascade。这是页面上 ...
行$table->increments('media_id');创建了一个自动递增的id列 * 和 * 一个主键。所以你随后的主键声明试图创建另一个主键,这是不允许的。自动递增id列不必是主键,但必须是索引。试试这个:
$this->comments[$column.$row]="comment for data"; public static function afterSheet(AfterSheet $event) { $comments = $event->getConcernable()->comments; $sheet = $event->getSheet(); foreach($comments as $address=>$comment) { $excelComment = $sheet->getComment($address); $excelCommen...
I have Laravel migration from text to json. It works perfectly in 2.9.3 and 2.10.0 fails. This means that I am stuck with older dbal version. JaZomentioned this issueDec 6, 2019 MySQL | Change varchar to boolean results in syntax error#3773 ...