Schema::create('users', function($table) { $table->integer("paied"); $table->string("title"); $table->text("description"); $table->timestamps(); }); If you have already created a table you can add additional columns to that table by creating a new migration and using the Schema...
The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. Each database table has a corresponding "Model" which is used to interact with that table. Models allow you to query for data in your tables, as well as insert new r...
As you can see, the query is doing aselect *. This means it is retrieving all the columns from the database table. This is fine if we really need all the columns from the table. Instead, if we need only specific columns(id, title), we can retrieve only those columns as below. 1$...
public static function batchInsertOrUpdate($data,$table = '',$columns = []){ if(empty($data)){//如果传入数据为空 则直接返回 return [ 'insertNum' => 0, 'updateNum' => 0 ]; } //拼装sql $sql = "insert into ".$table." ("; foreach ($columns as $k => $column) { $sql ....
If you would like to use a "where" style clause on your joins, you may use the where and orWhere methods on a join. Instead of comparing two columns, these methods will compare the column against a value:DB::table('users') ->join('contacts', function($join) { $join->on('users....
The role_user table is derived from the alphabetical order of the related model names, and contains the user_id and role_id columns.Many-to-many relationships are defined by writing a method that returns the result of the belongsToMany method. For example, let's define the roles method on...
php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users #执行迁移 A migration class contains two methods:upanddown. Theupmethod is used to add new tables, columns, or indexes to your database, while thedownmethod should simply reverse the operations performed by theupmethod. ...
$columns=Schema::getColumnListing('table_name'); 其中,table_name是需要获取列名的表的名称。 返回的结果是一个数组,包含所请求的表的所有列名。 2. 使用DB Facade 除了使用Schema Builder外,还可以使用DB Facade直接运行SQL查询语句来获取表列名。如下所示: ...
2. I then go over the collection and create a new array on each iteration and assign a value & header. Works great for picking out columns from a model Excel::create('User List Export', function($excel) {$excel->sheet('Users', function($sheet) {$email= yourModelGoesHere::all();fo...