Hi, I'm trying to use DDIO to capture ADC LVDS data from ADC3224. The device is set at 2 wires(x6) mode. The FPGA is Arria10(10AX027) and running
Part Number:ADS1191 Hi. about ADS1191. I have a question. If read adc value when not connect IN1P, IN1N, , is it normal the value is 0x8000?? I got right value of ID register. So i thought operating sensor is no issue. but read adc value is strange. under below...
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM , AWR1443 我使用awr1443 boast+DCA1000evm 想請問收集到adc.data bin 是單純天線所收到的信號還是經過混波後的信號(發射信號和接收信號進行mixer) 有相關的東西能參考嗎謝謝
2、如果想要将其FFT处理,并画出图像,如何实现? 3、是否有样例代码可以提供? 谢谢 6 年多前 Wesley He6 年多前 你好, 图没有上传成功。 数据格式请参考: xWR1xxx ADC Raw Data Capturehttp://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/swra581 建议参考FMCW 雷达测量基本原理视频 ...
I was able to initialize the ADC module and read/write all the registers, but always obtained 0s for all the channel data after enabling the ADC. Here is the communication sequence during initialization: Tx: 0x0655 //Unlock Rx: 0x0655 ...
A data readout system with non-uniform resolution has a pick up head for reading data stored in an optical disc and generating an analog signal, a reference voltage unit for producing a plurality of reference voltage levels, wherein voltage differences between two adjacent reference voltage levels...
Since, I was not ale to read ADC data, it kept it fixed earlier. The bottom code generates a counter for PWM. As, now I can read the ADC data, I am able to change this duty-cycle. Also, this code is not for university tutorial. It is for the industry. I ...
data shaders README.md examples external images libs screenshots xcode .clang-format .gitattributes .gitignore .gitmodules .travis.yml BUILD.md CMakeLists.txt CREDITS.md LICENSE.md README.md appveyor.yml download_assets.py Breadcrumbs Vulkan ...
C# Select .CSV File, Read Into MS Access Database C# Send Data To Various Computer C# Send mouseclick to hWnd C# SendKeys.Send problem C# serialize list<string> to xml C# Serialize to JSON inside a text file, but the object is empty, why? C# Server - TcpClient.Client.Receive - Is...
Voltage reference selection basics Voltage references are key components in data conversion systems which enable the ADC and DAC to read accurate values and are used in various sensing applications. While they are simple parts which often may only have two or three pins, there are numerous ...