/* read ADC inserted group data register */ inserted_data[0] = adc_inserted_data_read(ADC0, ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_0); inserted_data[1] = adc_inserted_data_read(ADC0, ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_1); inserted_data[2] = adc_inserted_data_read(ADC0, ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL_2); inserted_data[3]...
⼀开始我以为是 VDD,可是我看 ADC 采集到参考电压对于 channal 的值不对,于是我查⼿册,可是,我找遍了 GD32E230 的 datasheet 跟参考⼿册 ADC 部分,都没提到这个值是多少,直到我在 datasheet 中搜关键词 reference ,发现了个线索:然后我在 GD32E230 的参考⼿册 CMP 部分找到了:翻遍⼿册,...
control is enabled, the computed parity is inserted at the MSB position (9th bit if M=1; 8th bitif M=0) and parity is checked on the received data. This bit is set and cleared by software.Once it is set, PCE is active after the current byte (in reception and in transmission).0:...
REG32(buffer) = (uint32_t)(ADC_RDATA(ADC->adc_port)); } else { REG16(buffer) = (uint16_t)(ADC_RDATA(ADC->adc_port)); } } } else if(ADC->adc_channel_group == ADC_INSERTED_CHANNEL) { if(SET == adc_interrupt_flag_get(ADC->adc_port,ADC_INT_FLAG_EOIC)) { adc_interru...
err) { printf("read i2c data:"); for(i=0;i<ipmimsg[1];i++) printf("0x%02x ",tempbuf[i]); printf("\r\n"); NL1(); DBG("i2c read done\r\n"); } else { printf("read i2c data err\r\n"); return False; } } else { DBG("i2c slave device not exits\r\n"); return ...
An interval of ½ clock period (where nothing happens) is automatically inserted to allow the selected MUX channel to settle to a final analog input value. The DI line is disabled at this time. It no longer accepts data. 4. The data out (DO) line now comes out of TRI-STATE and ...
After searching, I found that in the file adc_esp32.c (/zephyr/drivers/adc/adc_esp32.c) in the function adc_esp32_channel_setup the function esp_adc_cal_characterize is called where WIDTH_MASK is inserted into the bit_width parameter. After testing i found that bit_width parameter shoul...
If not, and if the errors only occur once in a while, then the issue may be due to incomplete handling of JESD204B alignment monitoring characters which are inserted into the ADC12J4000 output data stream in compliance with the standard. Please refer to section 5...
[Old version datasheet]Texas Instruments acquired National semiconductor. 部件名ADC08032 功能描述8-BitHigh-SpeedSerialI/OA/DConverterswithMultiplexerOptions,VoltageReference,andTrack/HoldFunction Download24 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商NSC [National Semiconductor (TI)] ...
R/W 0 Must write 0 R/W 0 This field controls the scrambling and lsb insertion config on the output data 000: Default operation 001: Data is XOR'ed with a PRBS bit. This PRBS is inserted on the LSB position. The PRBS is generated using a large LFSR and can be treated as random ...