“a little bigger”.ADC histogram test required the sampling frequency to be relatively-prime to the signal frequency. Thedigital code density obeyed normal distribution,therefore the width of the code also obeyed normal distri-bution. According to the experiment condition and test requirement,code ...
Jespers, “Reliability of Code Density Test for High Resolution ADCs,” Electron. Lett., vol. 27, pp. 2231-3, Nov. 1991. EECS 247 Lecture 12: Data Converters- Testing ? 2010 H. K. Page 30 Why Additional Tests/Metrics? ? Static testing does not tell the full story – E.g. no ...
SAR ADC讲稿 模数转换器 主要内容 •1、ADC的性能指标•2、SARADC的设计•3、ADC的测试方法 •采样速率 •奈奎斯特ADC •SARADC •PipelinedADC •CyclicADC•Dual-slopeADC•FlashADC •过采样ADC •Sigma-deltaADC •品质因子(FOM-figureofmerit)FOMPower2ENOBfs SARADC的设计 •...
code=v1(:,2); numbit=14; numpt=length(code); fclk=50e6; %Displayawarning,whentheinputgeneratesacodegreaterthanfull-scale if(max(code)==2^numbit-1)|(min(code)==0) disp('Warning:ADCmaybeclipping!!!'); end %Plotresultsinthetimedomain %figure; %plot([1:numpt],code); %title('...
whichcanguidethetestandevaluationforADCcircuitsinfuture. Keywords:codedensityhistogram;DFT;INL;THD 1引言 随着数字信号处理和数字通信技术的飞速发 展,在电子系统中越来越多的模拟电路被数字电路 所取代,带有模拟输入输出的数字化模拟系统逐渐 成为系统设计的主流.作为数字与模拟之间的接口, 模数转换器在系统中扮演了...
performance by testing the INL parameter,which can guide the test and evaluation for ADC circuitsin future.Key words:code density histogram;DFT;INL;THD1引言随着数字信号处理和数字通信技术的飞速发展,在电子系统中越来越多的模拟电路被数字电路所取代,带有模拟输入输出的数字化模拟系统逐渐成为系统设计的主流...
and verified in a code density test of which the results indicate a(0.29/-0.31) LSB differential nonlinearity(DNL) and a(0.61/-0.45) LSB integral nonlinearity(INL).Spectrum analysis shows that the effective number of bits(ENOB) is 9.09.The ROIC consumes 248 mW of power at most if not to...
Histogram or Code-Density Test DNL appears as deviation of bin height from ideal value. Integral nonlinearity (INL) is cumulative sum (integral) of DNL. Offset is manifested by a horizontal shift of curve. Gain error shows as horizontal compression or decompression of curve. Fischer ...
;DAC设计;;;比较器设计;输入失调电压存储方式;输出失调电压存储方式;多级简单预放大+锁存结构;低输入电容SAR ADC;全差分输入SAR ADC;时域比较器;ADC的测试方法;Dynamic Testing;Histogram or Code-Density Test;Histogram Test;Simulated Histogram Test;FFT Test;Simulated FFT Test;此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考...