Name Application and user location diagram Experts Business experts, application architects Designers Business analysts Recipients Application architects, business managers, operational managers and engineers, system and network engineers Aim To define the geographical deployment of applications. To define who us...
新建文件新建 Diagram 文件 新建子模块 上传文件 分支5 标签0 undefined 贡献代码 同步代码 创建Pull Request 了解更多 对比差异通过 Pull Request 同步 同步更新到分支 通过Pull Request 同步 将会在向当前分支创建一个 Pull Request,合入后将完成同步 软件工程1602姚雪辉补个学习版文档297fee12年前 ...
Fig. 1. Causal diagram rice sector Office du Niger (ON). Notes: Shaded boxes indicate core issues.Source: Village and farming system group discussions. At the level of ON policy, the farmers criticized the unclear procedures for land allocation. The availability of external funds had enabled th...
Based on the structure of Actor-Critic learning and TD error performance index, the block diagram of the controller is developed. Two simulation results show that the proposed controller is efficient and perfectly adaptable with fast responses, providing better performances than the typical PID ...
In the next step, we describe and classify the results of both case studies and end up with a diagram. Also, we developed a model of participation for each school that contains details of data that emerged from the research process. Then, we analysed some similarities and differences as ...
The theory of emerging-state actors is located within an existing framework of non-state actors. We develop a dynamic hypothesis of an emerging-state actor through a series of logical statements connected in a causal-loop diagram. Confidence is built in the theory Systems 2018, 6, 16; doi:...
The strategic network diagram provides added context to how these auxiliary actors help build the hub into a marketable and useable platform. Figure 5. The strategic network of the Boerschappen food hub. PUP refers to pick-up point. Materials: The food hub involves a bundle of practices ...
Due to the sweeping influence of capitalism, most food processing is now done through standardized production workflows in order to quickly replicate and churn out a large quantity of products. This has led to an increasing number of homogenized and delo
This mechanism can ensure the network connectivity restoration procedure maintains the appropriate response to the changes of the nodes' states. The four identities for nodes information in the states transition diagram are as follows: node number, dominant node, color and the state, which can be ...
To provide a clear representation of the MMG model, Figure 2 illustrates a schematic diagram of the MMG structure, which comprises multiple microgrids connected to the distribution network. The electricity trading process between MGs as well as between MGs and the distribution network is based on en...