Actors, whether individual or collective, whether human or not, are therefore a mystery whose constitution must be explained; they are not at all the obvious starting point of action. Those few premises have had a significant impact on some organizational communication scholars, in particular those...
Actor–network theory (ANT) began at the end of the 1970s as an attempt to account for scientific activity without distinguishing a priori between its so-called social and technical aspects. The concept of actor–network captures the idea that for any actor to act, many others must act as ...
Scholars in the field of science and technology proposed Actor-Network Theory in the 1980s to debunk claims that heroism or advanced innovation was responsible for the development of useful inventions. Instead, scientists stated that the process of scientific invention could be explained more accurately...
As the interviewee explained: “It's [the] same with open-source movements…people can be really fanatic about something, so if you support something, you are against something else.”(Blockchain developer) Bitcoin core developers were the focal actors in one of the proposed paths. Their ...
It is not a theory of the social, but a theory of how to study the social, setapart by this specific definition of its object.Having explained his intentions in the Introduction, Latour demonstratesin Part I how to deploy controversies about the social world. What is taken forgranted is ...
The ‘general symmetry’ principle explains that human and non-human actors involved in the network are equally important (McLean & Hassard, 2004), asserting that everything should be explained or described similarly (Law, 1994). The third principle, ‘free association’ claims that heterogeneous ...
Actor Network Theory views things differently. () suggest ANT to be a radical approach. Power for example‚ is viewed from a diverse perspective through the ANT lens. Power is all about `interaction between different actors be they human or non-human actors. According to ANT reasoning power ...
Equipped with this definition, we can now explain the general rule for composing actor services, a simplified version of which was shown in Sect.3.5. Figure2shows the full rules for deriving actor services; we consider here the rule\((\textit{compose})\)(the others will be explained in the...
To make our case, this article addresses the issue from the point of view of relativis- tic physics in the first place and then brings it to bear on actor-network theory. Accord- ingly, the second section will approach a processual interpretation of the theory of relativity. Here processes...
work of modelexperiments to the world or to theory. And, in comparison with the possibilities of real experiments,Morgan [2005]suggests that model experiments have less epistemic power: model experiments have the power to surprise economists though these surprises can in principle be explained, but...