To change the setting of a rule that does not appear in the table, choose Insert New, and enter valid values in the Rule and Setting fields. Note For information about the exiting rule settings, see the corresponding help topics for activities with rules, for example, As-Built Configuration...
Detailed values are displayed under a fixed value array. In such a case, the Lookup activity is followed by a Foreach activity. You pass the value array to the ForEach activity items field by using the pattern of @activity('MyLookupActivity').output.value. To access elements in the value...
EventSource" No Identifies that an event occurred in SharePoint. Possible values are SharePoint or ObjectModel. SourceName Edm.String No The entity that triggered the audited operation. Possible values are SharePoint or ObjectModel. UserAgent Edm.String No Information about the user's client or ...
Command line environment values. TypeScript Copy commandEnvironment?: any[] Property Value any[] defines Allows user to specify defines for streaming job request. TypeScript Copy defines?: {[propertyName: string]: any} Property Value {[propertyName: string]: any} fileLinkedService Linked...
Set the commandEnvironment property: Command line environment values. Parameters: commandEnvironment - the commandEnvironment value to set. Returns: the HDInsightStreamingActivity object itself. withDefines public HDInsightStreamingActivity withDefines(Map defines) Set the defines property: Allows user to...
Set the commandEnvironment property: Command line environment values. Parameters: commandEnvironment - the commandEnvironment value to set. Returns: the HDInsightStreamingActivity object itself. withDefines public HDInsightStreamingActivity withDefines(Map defines) Set the defines property: Allows user to...
SAP Managed Tags: UI SAP Business Client (NWBC) Dear Experts, For general analysis of user activity in basis, we can use transactions as ST03, STAD. Is there any way to know when user is accessing the system via SAP Business Client and SAP Logon? At this moment we have users that ...
How to access/write values to BusinessActivityIndustryExtension object saurabhkumar_pandey Product and Topic Expert on 2016 Sep 08 0 Kudos 138 SAP Managed Tags: SAP Cloud Applications Studio Hello Colleague, In my project I need to change the status of Assignment Object based on ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Profitability and Cost Management Hi everybody, In our system we are using activity reassignment and assigned direct expenses to activities (ActivityLineItemsValues). In order to obtain total expenses (the sum from expenses which come from activity and the ones which come ...
GS activity (A) and expression (B) in the hippocampus between PD 1 and 70 (activity: n = 3 mice/group, expression: n = 3–6 mice/group). (C) GS immunoreactivity in the hippocampus from PD 7, 14, and 21. Scale bar: 100 μm. All values are expressed as mean ± ...