作业类型(Activity type),也叫活动类型,是成本会计模块的重要概念,是学习SAP成本核算必须掌握的基本概念。 从生产的角度,车间(工作中心)作为生产性的组织单元,提供产品的加工服务,这种服务可以细分人工工时、机械工时等,在SAP中就称为作业类型(Activity type)。 从成本的角度,既然是服务,那就有价格,这就是作业类型的...
Activity Type describe the activity carried out by production cost center and are measured in units of time or quantity. Activity type is defined to collect activities performed in Cost centre with respect to work center. Following are the activity type categories example defined in SAP. 1. Setup...
Step 1: –Enter transaction code SPRO in the command field and enter. Step 2: – In customizing execute project screenselect SAP Reference IMG. Step 3: – In next screen, follow the path and double click on create activity types. On the choose activity screen, select create activity type....
Defined in vdm/cost-center-activity-type-service/CostCenterActivityType.ts:225 OptionalactualPriceAllocationMethod actualPriceAllocationMethod:string Defined in vdm/cost-center-activity-type-service/CostCenterActivityType.ts:231 OptionalactualQuantityIsSetManually ...
Activity type pricing (KP26) with old exchange rate values (OB08) Former Member on 2009 Aug 24 0 Kudos 446 SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Our organization is setup with one controlling area (USD) and different company codes (USD, EUR, CNY). We use activity types in our ...
Activity type ((std qty /actual qty) * std price) calc for production order Former Member on2009 Apr 15 0Kudos 153 SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Hello, I need to build myown logicwith formulas, table-field names and calculate the activity type variances ((std qty - actual ...
KnownSapHanaAuthenticationType KnownSapHanaPartitionOption KnownSapTablePartitionOption KnownSchedulerCurrentState KnownScriptActivityLogDestination KnownScriptActivityParameterDirection KnownScriptActivityParameterType KnownScriptType KnownServiceNowAuthenticationType KnownServiceNowV2AuthenticationType KnownSftpAuthenticationType Kno...
SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior SapCloudForCustomerSource SapEccLinkedService SapEccResourceDataset SapEccSource SapHanaAuthenticationType SapHanaLinkedService SapHanaPartitionSettings SapHanaSource SapHanaTableDataset SapOdpLinkedService SapOdpResourceDataset SapOdpSource SapOpenHubLinkedService SapOpenHubSource ...
0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant (SAP exit variable 0P_FVAEX) Rows InfoObject Description 0ACTTYPE Activity type 0COSTCENTER Cost center (variable 0S_CCTR, selection options, optional) Columns InfoObject Description Planned Costs Planned costs in the reporting timeframe Planned ...
and reset buffer area in SAP command line via /$SYNC Step 4. Adjust Distribution model Transaction - BD64 - Maintenance of Distribution Model Add BAPI and Message Type for QAS system instead PROD system Step 5. Adjust RFC destination Transaction - BD97 - Assign RFC dest. t...