T001WT-每个代扣税的公司代码相关的特别信息: T001WT 每个代扣税的公司代码相关的特别信息 T001W_BIW-Generated Table for View T001W_BIW: T001W_BIW Generated Table for View T001W_BIW T001W_KEY-关键字段: 工厂/部门: T001W_KEY 关键字段: 工厂/部门 T001X-配置外部接收公司代码: T001X 配置外部接收公...
In some cases, if use BUPA_DEL for deletion of Business Partner, it will create inconsistency, for more information, refer KBA 2727894 No relationship entry exists in KNVK table, but Unique GUID exist in CVI_CUST_CT_LINK How to clear it To address inconsistencies related to above known cause...
Your SAP user account needs access to the RFC_METADATA function group and the respective function modules for the following operations: Expand table OperationsAccess to function modules RFC actions RFC_GROUP_SEARCH and DD_LANGU_TO_ISOLA BAPI actions BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK...
Data:Creation of Packaging Specification (/N/SCWM/PACKSPEC)Click on Create button and Select correct Packaging Specification group. Enter the correct Packaging materialMaintain condition records with a correct condition type.Assign Start/End Storage Bin for Activity Area (/N/SCWM/SEBA) Testing:...
实际上可以理解为所有的authorization data(有很多authorization group--{你可使用OBA7填写,权限太细也不是好事^_^}和activity组成)的一个集合的名字,通常一个自定义的role产 生一个profile,SAP权限控制是根据profile里的authorization data(objects)来控制的. role又是什么呢?role只是一个名字而已,然后将profile赋予...
system manage assistant. it shows all the TCODE of activity about system. /nSA38 the interface of clear the log /nSM02 send a message to all user /nSM12 show the table lock /nSQVI SAP QUERY is a sinple report develop tool.It do not need to program. ...
The following sections describe the SAP logs available from the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications data connector, including the table names in Microsoft Sentinel, the log purposes, and detailed log schemas.Schema field descriptions are based on the field descriptions in the relevant SAP...
Hi All,I have a cds view on table PRPS which gives me unconverted value of WBS element like P000102001 where as I need converted value of WBS like P-0001-02-001 (just e.g.). Do any one come accross such issue, how to get the converted value in CDS.Th... ...
TVARK is a SAP standard pooled table used for storing Archiving Control for Sales Activities in Sales Support related data in SAP. It comes under the package VZ.Table TVARK technical data Table TVARK Data storing Archiving Control for Sales Activities in Sales Support Module SD Component SD-BF ...
If this message was displayed during a posting activity, use transaction FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK_P to check the specific Customizing settings for the relevant company codes and ledgers. 1, 根据帮助文档的建议,执行事务代码:FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK_P ...