Verify that the _msdcs, _sites, _tcp, and _udp folders are present. These folders and the service location records they contain are critical to Active Directory and Windows Server 2003 operations. After the new Active Directory domain is established, create a user account in that domain...
保護Active Directory 的最佳做法 使用Windows PowerShell 的 Active Directory 複寫和拓撲管理 彈性單一主機作業角色 轉移FSMO 角色 管理RID 發行 提高網域和樹系功能等級 Active Directory Domain Services 元件更新 組策略管理 Active Directory 帳戶 特殊身分識別 Active Directory 安全組 委派的受控服務帳戶 群組受管理的...
Example 1: Create an enabled managed service accountPowerShell コピー PS C:\> New-ADServiceAccount -Name "Service01" -DNSHostName "" -Enabled $TrueThis command creates an enabled managed service account in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)....
Import-ModuleActiveDirectoryNew-ADUsersqlsvc-AccountPassword(Read-Host-AsSecureString"Enter Password")-PasswordNeverExpires$true-Enabled$true 注意 安全性最佳做法是針對 SQL Server 使用專用的 Active Directory 帳戶,讓 SQL Server 執行個體認證不會與使用相同帳戶的其他服務共用。 不過,如果您知道帳...
创建加入自行管理的 Active Directory 的文件系统失败,并显示以下错误消息: File system creation failed. Amazon FSx is unable to establish a connection with your Microsoft Active Directory domain controller(s). This is because the service account provided does not have permission to join the file system...
建立加入自我管理 Active Directory 的檔案系統失敗,並顯示下列錯誤訊息:File system creation failed. Amazon FSx is unable to establish a connection with your Microsoft Active Directory domain controller(s). This is because the service account provided does not have permission to join the file system to...
Module: ActiveDirectory Gets one or more Active Directory managed service accounts or group managed service accounts.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Get-ADServiceAccount [-AuthType <ADAuthType>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] -Filter <String> [-Properties <String[]>] [-ResultPageSize <Int32>] [-ResultSet...
The Install-ADServiceAccount cmdlet installs an existing Active Directory managed service account on the computer on which the cmdlet is run. This cmdlet verifies that the computer is eligible to host the managed service account. The cmdlet also makes th
User Creation AttributesThis attribute is used by the Active Directory authentication module instance when the Active Directory server is configured as an external Active Directory server. It contains a mapping of attributes between a local and an external Directory Server. This attribute has the ...
Password-change interval defined at gMSA account creation (30 days by default) Like MSAs, gMSAs are supported only by the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) and IIS application pools Requirements Windows Server 2012 Active Directory schema updated in forests containing gMSAs ...