Module: ActiveDirectory Gets one or more Active Directory managed service accounts or group managed service accounts.SyntaxPowerShell 复制 Get-ADServiceAccount [-AuthType <ADAuthType>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] -Filter <String> [-Properties <String[]>] [-ResultPageSize <Int32>] [-ResultSet...
A local user account (name format: .\UserName) exists only in the Security Account Manager database of the host computer. It doesn't have a user object in Active Directory Domain Services. A local account can't be authenticated by the domain. So, a service that runs in the security ...
Module: ActiveDirectory Gets one or more Active Directory managed service accounts or group managed service accounts.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Get-ADServiceAccount [-AuthType <ADAuthType>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] -Filter <String> [-Properties <String[]>] [-ResultPageSize <Int32>] [-ResultSet...
spec.activeDirectory.serviceAccountProvisioning这是一个可选字段,可定义 AD 连接器部署模式,其可能的值为manual(对于客户管理的密钥表)或automatic(对于系统管理的密钥表)。 如果未设置此字段,默认值为manual。 如果将该值设置为automatic(系统管理的密钥表),系统将自动为与此 AD 连接器关联的 SQL 托管实例生...
The Get-ADComputerServiceAccount cmdlet gets all of the service accounts that are hosted by the specified computer.The Computer parameter specifies the Active Directory computer that hosts the service accounts. You can identify a computer by its distinguished name, GUID, security identifier (SID) or...
account (the user or computer account) under which a service runs is trusted for Kerberos delegation. Any such service can impersonate a client requesting the service. To enable a service for Kerberos delegation, you must set this flag on theuserAccountControlproperty of the service account. ...
托管GMSA 服务帐户的计算机从 Active Directory 请求当前密码以启动服务。 配置GMSA 以允许计算机帐户访问密码。 如果攻击者使用 GMSA 破坏计算机托管服务,则 GMSA 受到破坏。 如果攻击者破坏了有权请求 GMSA 密码的帐户,则 GMSA 被破坏。 组托管服务帐户具有对象类“ msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount ”和特定于 GMSA ...
setspn -s MSSQLSvc/sqlserver.rootdse.lab ROOTDSE\SQLServiceAccount 让我们从 Active Directory 用户和计算机中验证其属性,以查看其设置是否正确。 现在,如果我们在整个域中搜索SPN,我们应该能够看到它。 或者我们可以通过LDAP查询,在adsisearcher的帮助下,轻松枚举出服务账户的服务主体名称(SPN): ...
以下是 Active Directory 中的一些重要属性: User Attribute Description userPrincipalName A common logon name (format is similar to email like常用的登录名(格式类似于像 这样的电子邮件) objectGUID Uniquely identifies a user account. Even if account...
NoKRBTGT accountThe KRBTGT account is a local default account that acts as a service account for the Key Distribution Center (KDC) service. This account cannot be deleted, and the account name cannot be changed. The KRBTGT account cannot be enabled in Active Directory.KRBTGT...