To create a service account for Secure External Authentication Server:On the domain controller, be sure to log in as a domain administrator. Select Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Active Directory Users and Computers.Right click the user container where the service account will be added and ...
$Name = 'aadsyncgMSA' $Description = "Azure AD Cloud Sync service account for LAB-DC1 server" #$Server = "LAB-DC1.marcosoft.local" $Server = "aadsyncgMSA.marcosoft.local" $Principal = Get-ADGroup 'Domain Computers' # Create service account in Active Directory New-ADServiceAccount...
You can create users, import external users, and synchronize users from an Active Directory (AD) server. So that those users can log in to and use your bastion host for O
So 512 is a normal user account adding 2 results in a normal user account, but disabled. To make sure that the account never expires we set the accountExpires value to 0, which seems to work. Although according to
According to Microsoft document regarding to NDES, the user that we select for NDES Service Account must have SPN set in Active Directory. How can I create the required SPN?ThanksAll replies (3)Tuesday, March 20, 2012 5:12 AM ✅AnsweredHi,...
Retain the default path forSave to Path. The generated file will be saved in the/tmp/FusionInsight-Clientdirectory on the active OMS node (usually theMaster1node) of the cluster. Figure 3Downloading the cluster client ClickOKand wait until the client software is generated. ...
In this article Example 1 Example 2 Additional information Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2 This topic explains how to use the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell to create a managed service account. Managed service accounts are used to run various services for applications that are ...
Creating the WebSEAL user in Active DirectoryIn order for constrained delegation to operate correctly, WebSEAL and the target service must be running as Active Directory (AD) users that have an assigned Service Principal Name (SPN).About this taskThe new WebSEAL user account SPN that is ...
Today we are excited to share that we will be releasing meetings extensibility to general availability coming this October! And to add to our excitement, we...
You have obtained the AD domain service certificate and uploaded the certificate to the /tmp directory, for example, /tmp/ad.crt.Procedure In the HA scenario, perform the following steps on any Donau Portal node:Use PuTTY to log in to the Donau Portal node as the DonauKit O&M user, for...