Excerpts from an interview with teachers of a graduate program called the Classroom Research Study Group disclose details of the two-semester, four-course program focusing on the teacher as researcher. Program activities seek to develop teacher skills in identifying research questions, gathering data, ...
Michael J. Wallace在“Action Research for Language Teachers”中对于教师的Professional development是这样论述的:教师应当明确地认识到:在履行教师职责的整个过程中,教师都面临着专业发展的问题;专业发展可以有不同的途径,而在专业发展过程中,教师最关心的问题往往是那些和他们的工作最为切近而又有可能得到真正改进的...
Peabody Journal of EducationRoss, DD (1987) Action research for pre-service teachers: A description of why and how. Peabody Journal of Education 64: pp. 131-150Ross, Dorene D. (1987): Action research for preservice teachers: A description of why and how. In: Peabody Journal of Education ...
2. action research forcharacteristics of the classroom teaching, action research is a way to improvethe educational practice through the "change", it encourages teachersto strengthen their teaching aims, teaching process and teaching effect ofattention and consciousness, put forward constantly on their ...
英语教学中教师行动的意义研究—基于对一个行动研究案例的分析 A Research on the Significance of Teachers' Actions in English Teaching and Learning—Based on the Analysis on a Mini Project of Action Research 通过对时隔12年(2005~2017)的两组学生使用同一组测试的行动研究案例的分析,可以得出这样的结论:在...
pre-serviceteachersandin-serviceteachersintheirprofessionaldevelopmentanditshouldplayanimportant roleinthecurriculumrenewalofEnglishteachingmethodologyinChina. Keywords:actionresearch;teacherprofessionaldevelopment;curriculumrenewal 中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5039(2013)10-0281-03 1WhatisActionResearch?
Making formative assessment discernable to pre‐service teachers of science The purpose of this pragmatic action research study was to explore our re-conceptualization efforts in preparing pre-service teachers to guide the inquiry ... GA Buck,A Trauth‐Nare,J Kaftan - 《Journal of Research in Sci...
In a culture of performativity, action research offers teachers an opportunity to step back and reflect on their practice. This paper reports on a collaborative project carried out between a university and a secondary school in England, in which the university staff supported an action research proj...
TeacherTeam 地方高职院校培养研究型数学教师 团队的行动研究 王角凤 1 ,何百通 1 ,黄斌 2 1 衢州职业技术学院,衢州 2 衢州学院教师教育学院,衢州 Email:deparmentofmath@sina 收稿日期:2014年1月 地方高职院校培养研究型数学教师团队的行动研究 26 摘要 作为地方高职院校,如何培养出适合社会需要的应用型人才,发挥...
This is a wonderful book with deep insight into the relationship between teachers' action and result of student learning. It discusses from different angles impact of action research on student learning in the classroom. Writing samples provided at the back are wonderful examples."-Kejing Liu, Shaw...