Many approaches have been proposed over the past 30–40 years which allow teachers to learn through research-based activities. These activities are often based on ideas of action research as a tool for professional development, which is the main focus of this article. The article starts by ...
Through a close study of three teacher candidates' action-research studies, I show how they used this framework as a springboard to develop and enhance their commitments, ideas, and practices as beginning teachers.doi:10.1080/00220270118039
aged research projects; John Elliott and Clem Adelman (1973) in the Ford Teaching Project in the United Kingdom introduced it to help teachers to develop inquiry learning in their classroom; In Australia, action research has become an important part of the ...
Ⅱ.ActionResearchReport 2.1Actlonresearchdefined Itisveryimportantforlanguageteacherstodoresearchintheirownclassrooms,toidentifyproblemsin teaching,toworkoutthesolutiontodealwiththeproblems。tocarryouttheplansbasedontheirinvestigations, andtocollectandanalyzethedatatoevaluatethesolutions.Thiswholeprocessiscalledactionrese...
As you reflect on your own actions and observe other master teachers, you will identify the skills and strategies you would like to add to your own professional toolbox. As you research potential solutions and are exposed to new ideas, you will identify the skills, management, and ...
This study adopted a mixed-methods approach 鈥 primarily through action research 鈥 in which the research team collaborated with 67 teachers and teacher educators on an OER adoption process. The team worked with the teachers between ... G Kasinathan,S Ranganathan 被引量: 4发表: 2017年 Improving...
Understanding action research The paper examines various ideas contributing to action research. The paper first shows that action research has a rich tradition drawing extensively from ... M Riel 被引量: 94发表: 2010年 Developing Globally-Competent University Teachers What is global competence in ...
In teaching, pupils are often, if not always, part of the situation that needs to be changed, and the pupils' voice, therefore, is seen as an essential source of learning for the teachers. • The results of action research are published and are open to criticism from the wider ...
This kind of research is wildly exciting for me. (I am a dork! I admit it!) This semester, I am teaching a graduate class called Investigating Classroom Literacies. The students in the class range from preservice teachers to inservice teachers. They are a phenomenal group of students, and...
Ideas such as 'learner-centred education', 'independent/autonomous learning', 'self-directed learning', 'enquiry/discovery learning', 'collaborative learning', 'active learning' and 'learning with understanding' refer to critical aspects of the learning process rather than its outcomes. While often ...