网络实得分 网络释义 1. 实得分 劳动安全卫生教育评价检查表 ... ... 应得分 full Score实得分Act. score备 注 Remark ...|基于 1 个网页
In summary,the ACT is scored on a scale from 1-36. Your overall ACT score is an average of your section scores in English, Math and Reading (which are also individually scored from 1-36).If you take the optional Science Section, you’ll receive a separate Science score from 1-36, as...
首先,ACT考试的成绩报告分为考试总分 (Composite Score) 和单科得分。单科考试是由四门必考科目(英语、数学、阅读和科学)和一门选考的写作组成,考试总长为3小时25分,满分为36(选择题)+12(写作)分(作文是可以选考的科目,不影响36分的总分成绩)。 以上图中最上方的一排中,每一个分数所对应的列代表一个学生的...
Below is a breakdown of each section, its corresponding raw score range, and number of questions.English Questions: 75 Raw Score: 0-75 Math Questions: 60 Raw Score: 0-60 Reading Questions: 40 Raw Score: 0-40 Science Questions: 40 Raw Score: 0-40 ...
What is considered a “good” ACT score will ultimately depend on the individual college or university you are applying to. Different schools will have different ACT score ranges. Schools are re-evaluating their standardized testing policies, and there is an emerging trend of colleges and universiti...
The purpose of an ACT score is to get you into college;as such, you should understand your ACT score in terms of how it can help you do that. How Does Your ACT Score Match Up? ACT Score Range To understand our score, you need to know the range of possible ACT scores.The composite...
ACT Scoring and What Makes a Good Composite Score Since the ACT test is scored out of 36, a composite score of 28 – 36 places a student in the top 10 percent of test takers. Thus, a score of 28 is usually a good score, but it is more complicated than a simple percentile. ...
Once you've seen your scores, the first step you should take is todetermine whether you metyour ACT goal scoreor not.Even if you didn't, were you pretty close to it, or pretty far from it? Your answer to this question will help youdecide whether you should retake the ACT. ...
As is evident, comparing this percentile to the general population of examinees in the particular test provides one with a good ACT score. The good in a "good ACT score" is relative. That statement is putting the truth out too mildly. In other words, the score that an examinee aspires ...