从上图中得知,该考生的英语成绩为24分,高于基准分(18分),在申请中就处于有利的位置。 在ACT考试成绩报告中,不仅能看到各项分值,同样能够看到各项的成绩区间 (Score Range)。即在图中的每一列中,每一项成绩相应得分的划线都处在相应颜色的色块区间中。这是因为一次考试只是预估考生的水平,成绩报告中给出的成绩区...
ACT写作部分为选考内容,分值范围为2-12分。 在成绩报告中,你不仅能看到自己的分值,同样能够看到自己的成绩区间(Score Range)。这是因为一次考试只是预估你的水平,ACT成绩报告中给出的成绩区间代表你多正确或错误1到2道题的成绩范围。 根据ACT去年发布的最新成绩报告,2017-2018考试年,全美ACT总分平均分数是20.8分,...
Test score submission policies and ranges for over 400 popular colleges. See what scores you need to make it into the mid-50% range.
Below is a breakdown of each section, its corresponding raw score range, and number of questions.English Questions: 75 Raw Score: 0-75 Math Questions: 60 Raw Score: 0-60 Reading Questions: 40 Raw Score: 0-40 Science Questions: 40 Raw Score: 0-40 ...
在成绩报告中,你不仅能看到自己的分值,同样能够看到自己的成绩区间(Score Range)。这是因为一次考试只是预估你的水平,ACT成绩报告中给出的成绩区间代表你多正确或错误1到2道题的成绩范围。 根据ACT去年发布的最新成绩报告,2017-2018考试年,全美ACT总分平均分数是20.8分,其中亚裔的平均分数为24.5分,在各族裔中最高。
If you’re looking to get into your dream college or university and need to know what their ACT® score requirements are, we’ve got answers.
The purpose of an ACT score is to get you into college;as such, you should understand your ACT score in terms of how it can help you do that. How Does Your ACT Score Match Up? ACT Score Range To understand our score, you need to know the range of possible ACT scores.The composite...
综上而言,可以说,如果梦校是美国常青藤名校的话,ACT在32分以上都算的上是好成绩,但是如果希望能够达到优异,进入顶尖大学的话,ACT的成绩最好在34分以上。那么,美本申请act知道考多少,那么sat需要达到哪个标准呢?这份对照表可以了解下!act=sat total score range=sat total score 36分=1570-1600=1590 35...
ACT 将英语、数学、阅读、科学等科目的分数量表划分为6 个分数值域(score range,类似于等级):13~15、16~19、20~23、24~27、28~32、33~36,对每个值域都详细规定了该学科应该掌握的知识和能做之事。考生得到成绩之后,不仅能够了解自己的成绩排位,而且能...
Colleges use your SAT/ACT score as an indicator of whether you're ready to attend their school.To show you're academically prepared, you'll need to have a score within the average SAT/ACT score range for admitted students to that school ... or perhaps even higher.To give yourself the ...