考生可以登录MyACT帐户或在my.act.org上创建一个MyACT帐户查看superscore。 问 ACT Composite与Superscore有何不同? 答 ACT composite(综合总分)是某一次考试考生四个测试分数的平均值,四舍五入到最接近的整数;ACT superscore是考生所有ACT考...
On the ACT score report, you will have the composite score, and on the right, there is an ACT College Readiness Benchmark and improve comments for each section. Benchmarks are ACT scores of subject areas representing the achievement levels necessary for students to get a 50% chance of getti...
If you take the ACT without Writing, you should generallyreceive your full ACT score report aroundtwo weeksafter your test. If you take the ACT with Writing, note thatthe essay usually takes an additional two weeks for scoring,meaning you won't receive your full ACT score report (with your...
eYour High School Courses 可以不填写。 fScore Report Choices里可以填写6所递送分数的目标高校(前4所免费)。如果考生在考试报名时还没确定的话,可以以后再补填(免费的机会一直保留到考试后的周四) gYour Future Plans 可以不填,继续Continue hTest Centre 选择考场。由于中国同学很少有参加GAC培训的,所以还只能...
Somecolleges that require all ACT scores, such as Stanford and Yale, have policies in place thatlet you send one set of scores and self-report the restif sending score reports is a financial burden for you (though for bothStanfordandYale, you'll have to officially send the rest of your ...
1. 考试时间 一般考试报名的截止日期是考试五周前,考生要提前报名 2. 考试类别 分为有写作和无写作两种类型。一般建议选择有写作ACT PLUS WRITING.选择后可以继续点击Continue 2.4 下面的Your High School页面里需要选择考生所在年纪。2.5 Your High School Courses 可以不填写。2.6 Score Report Choices里可以填...
That is your total ACT score. The highest ACT score you can get is a perfect 36, while the lowest ACT score is 1. To learn about the components of your score report, read our blog on How to interpret ACT score report. ACT Score Reporting Dates & Delivery Timelines The ACT scores ...
第九步:付款成功后,返回第三步“查看成绩”页面,点击“View Score Sends”可查看送分状态,“Fulfilled ”恭喜你:送分成功,如SAT图9和图9-1: SAT图9 SAT图9-1 2、ACT送分指南(ACT账户)先选校后充值 第一步:登录网址https://my.act.org/,输入注册的用户名、密码后点击进入,如ACT图1: ...
进入Order Score Report(s)(订购分数报告)界面,在下图红框中的下拉菜单选择你考得最好的一场托福考试: 在选择场次后,你在那场考试的分数和你听说读写各科历史最高分数(也就是MyBest Scores)会出现在下方,它们都会被送到你送分的学校那里。 在确认这次就是我们想送到所申院校的分数后,向下翻动页面继续。
The student can also choose not to send the ACT score report to the college/university of choice when the grades are low, which would just be considered as if the test hadn't been attempted in the first place, thereby nullifying the damage a bad percentile can cause. 2024...