After your raw score is calculated, it is then converted to a scaled score of 1-36. The reporting categories for this section are:This section assesses mathematical skills that students have acquired up until grade 12. The ability to calculate and understand basic concepts can be a huge ...
操作流程步骤1: 登陆My AP步骤2: 进入My AP Profile步骤3: 选择Score Send, 找到相应的院校 付费送分付费送分没有时间限制,学生任何时间均可登陆到线上送分系统Online Score Reporting System进行在线送分申请。 网址: 操作步骤步骤1:登陆后点击View your Scores步骤2:...
2、A graphical design of paper score reports 科学的图表化成绩单能够让考生一目了然的掌握自己的成绩和排名分布。图中给出本场考试考生的成绩在全美及整个州的排名,并且细化到每个科目的排名。通过整体来衡量自身的学术成就更加客观。 3、The Interest-Major Fitlevel score & Career Connector 成绩单通过成绩分析...
步骤2: 进入My AP Profile 步骤3: 选择Score Send, 找到相应的院校 付费送分 付费送分没有时间限制,学生任何时间均可登陆到线上送分系统Online Score Reporting System进行在线送分申请。 网址: 操作步骤 步骤1:登陆后点击View your Scores 步骤2:选择Send Scores to...
Super Scoring /Score Choice 不少大学在考量时,会在各部分的历次考试中取最高分,比如数学取一个最高分数,英语也取一个最高分数,相加起来,得到一个“最好成绩” Super Score,以此作为录取考量。 对于这类学校,如果 Self Reporting 自报成绩,则需要自己计算出 Super Score,并在入学之前,递交所有官方考试成绩,向...
该服务只允许学生将分数送至一所大学。操作流程步骤1:登陆My AP步骤2:进入My AP Profile步骤3:选择Score Send,找到相应的院校 付费送分付费送分没有时间限制,学生任何时间均可登陆到线上送分系统Online Score Reporting System进行在线送分申请。 网址: ...
付费送分没有时间限制,学生任何时间均可登陆到线上送分系统Online Score Reporting System进行在线送分申请。 网址: 操作步骤 步骤1:登陆后点击View your Scores 步骤2:选择Send Scores to College Now 步骤3:添加你想要寄送的院校, 可填写多所院校 ...
You may wonder why the standard practice for ACT score reporting focuses on 25th and 75th percentile data rather than the full range of scores earned by matriculated students. The reason is rather simple—the outlying data is not an accurate representation of the type of student who typically at...
Reporting categories provide further insight into a student's strengths and weaknesses within specific subject areas. What's considered a good score? The high school senior class of 2021 earned a national average composite scoreof 20.3. Nearly 1.3 million students took the ACT in 2021, compared ...
To find the correct ACT college code for these other score reporting methods,use this link. Types of ACT Score Reports There arethree different types of ACT score reports.I'll describe each type and why you might or might not decide to order it. ...