Step. 6 这个页面可以看到之前的送分记录,点击“Continue with Score Report Request” Step. 7 查找学校 可通过大学的ACT送分代码或者学校名称来查找学校 Step. 8 确认学校信息 如还需添加学校点击“add a choice”,若添加完毕点击“Continue” Step. 9 填入信用卡信息 填写信用卡信息后,点击“Submit”按钮,扣款...
点击“Continue with Score Report Request”继续送分。 Step. 5 通过大学的ACT送分代码或学校名称来查找学校。 Step. 6 确认学校信息,如还需添加学校点击“add a choice”,若添加完毕点击“Continue”。 Step. 7 填写信用卡信息,点击“Submit”按钮,扣款成功后,送分完成。 TOEFL Step. 1 打开托福官网并登录。
Usually, the composite score and each ACT test results range from 1 to 36. It is vital to state that the composite score will be theaverage of test scores, which they round off to the nearest whole number. For the Writing test, two readers will read and scores the essay based on four...
点击“Continue with Score Report Request”继续送分。 Step5、通过大学的ACT送分代码或学校名称来查找学校。 Step6、确认学校信息,如还需添加学校点击“add a choice”,若添加完毕点击“Continue”。 Step7 、填写信用卡信息,点击“Submit”按钮,扣款成功后,送分完成。 5 GRE Step1、进入此网站 https://www.e...
No matter what test score you received, there are parts of the exam where your performance was average or above average. Recognize and mark those as your strong points. To stay on top of your progress, you have to keep practicing those strong points to make sure you continue to do well ...
Your ACT prep starts with knowing when the tests are and what date to register. Find the ACT test date and registration information you need from Kaplan. Learn about test fees, waivers, and get important tips for the test.
Step4、在这个页面可以看到之前的送分记录。点击“Continue with Score Report Request”继续送分 Step5、通过大学的ACT送分代码或学校名称来查找学校 Step6、确认学校信息,如还需添加学校点击“add a choice”,若添加完毕点击“Continue” Step7 、填写信用卡信息,点击“Submit”按钮,扣款成功后,送分完成。
Step4、在这个页面可以看到之前的送分记录。点击“Continue with Score Report Request”继续送分。 Step5、通过大学的ACT送分代码或学校名称来查找学校。 Step6、确认学校信息,如还需添加学校点击“add a choice”,若添加完毕点击“Continue”。 Step7 、填写信用卡信息,点击“Submit”按钮,扣款成功后,送分完成。
进入Order Score Report(s)(订购分数报告)界面,在下图红框中的下拉菜单选择你考得最好的一场托福考试: 在选择场次后,你在那场考试的分数和你听说读写各科历史最高分数(也就是MyBest Scores)会出现在下方,它们都会被送到你送分的学校那里。 在确认这次就是我们想送到所申院校的分数后,向下翻动页面继续。
If you take the ACT with Writing, note thatthe essay usually takes an additional two weeks for scoring,meaning you won't receive your full ACT score report (with your essay grade) until about four weeks after your test date. Also, be aware that any colleges you put down to get your s...