Advanced Performance Management (APM)You'll apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgement in selecting and applying strategic management accounting techniques in different business contexts and to contribute to the evaluation of the performance of an organisation and its strategic ...
Advanced Performance Management (APM)You'll apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgement in selecting and applying strategic management accounting techniques in different business contexts and to contribute to the evaluation of the performance of an organisation and its strategic ...
5️⃣ 当前业绩管理的发展变化和可能影响企业业绩管理的问题。📚 APM与其他课程的关系 APM是MA和PM的后续课程,MA和PM中提及但未深入的知识点在APM中会展开。同时,APM中的部分模型和质量管理方面内容与SBL(战略商业领袖)有关联。💡 APM备考建议 希望同学们多看一些历年的考试试题,APM考试的通过率较低,说明试...
SBL是对外, APM字面意思就是 ‘ 绩效’管理 至于比较细节的知识点,我笔记上都有,不要求背(不能死背,考到这了真的不是死背就能把ACCA背过的)但是一定要知道是什么。 PartA - 企业目标金字塔 CSF KPI 等 大题必考,或者说APM必考的点都在这里。 PartB-外部因素 & Risk 对于Risk的那些计算一定要会,我笔记上...
一、ACCA考试科目:《APM高级业绩管理》 APM的全称叫做《高级业绩管理Advanced Performance Management》,是ACCA考试科目中P阶段的战略选修阶段中的P5科目,和其有关联的科目为《PM业绩管理》和《MA管理会计》,《PM业绩管理》是《APM高级业绩管理》的直接基础,《APM高级业绩管理》是《MA管理会计》的延伸和扩展,这门科目...
🌟 大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我备考ACCA APM(P5)的一些心得。经过这次考试,我深有感触,觉得有必要把这些经验分享给大家,希望能帮到正在备考的小伙伴们。 初次体验P5的感受 🤖首先,我刚开始看网课的时候,感觉一切都很顺利,知识点都能理解。但一做题就懵了,什么都不会写。后来我才发现,P5考察的是知识点...
Advanced Performance Management (APM) Technical articles and topic explainers A library of articles and bite-sized videos to help you improve your understanding of areas you find more difficult or develop a broader insight into the subject.
The syllabus for Advanced Performance Management (APM) is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.