APM - Advanced Performance Management 33% ATX - Advanced Taxation 49% –Ends– For media enquiries, contact: ACCA News Room E: newsroom@accaglobal.com X: @ACCANews accaglobal.com About ACCA We are ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), a globally recognised professional ...
APM - Advanced Performance Management 37% ATX - Advanced Taxation 47% FOUNDATION LEVEL QUALIFICATIONS Pass rate (%) ACCA Diploma in Financial and Management Accounting (Level 2 RQF) FA1 - Recording Financial transactions 79% MA1 - Management Information 78% ACCA Diploma in Financial and Managem...
对比去年全球超137000名考生参加的12月考季,人数少了一半。3月考季全球通过率 来看下3月考季各考试科目的全球通过率情况: ACCA Qualification Pass rate Applied Knowledge AB - Accountant in Business 82% FA - Financial Accounting 73% MA - Management Accounting 65% Applied...
How can you vouch it was not easier if you have not done AAA in the past? I did the AAA in December 2018. Then the pass rate was 31% vs 38% now AFM 41% vs 46% now APM 33% vs 33% ATX 40% vs 49% All except APM have an significant increase in pass rates. April 16, 2024...
P5 高级业绩管理 Advanced Performance Management (APM) P6 高级税务 Advanced Taxation (ATX) P7 高级审计与认证业务 Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) 因为楼主考ACCA期间也参加了几门CPA(Certified Public Accountant,简称中国注会)的考试(还要谈恋爱还要考高口,大学时光多么不够用啊!当时楼主大三可以去外省考,...
3 APM 复习要点 4写在后面 1 写在前面: 整理笔记的时候才知道最后三科( SBL APM 和 AFM)的笔记都有半米厚哈哈 最后三科笔记半米厚 ACCA 真的是一个漫长而又惊险的旅途, 不过你是免考9门还是在校学生从头刚开始都希望能走到最后迎来出坑日,不要放弃。
Your Platform is so awesome and very helpful for students! Your classes are simplified and of a very high quality. I managed to Pass APM. YOU ROCK. Tinyiko Premium Member You supported me so much during the study period with all those questions I had. I scored 71% in SBR -wow - my...
P5 高级业绩管理 Advanced Performance Management (APM) P6 高级税务 Advanced Taxation (ATX) P7高级审计与认证业务Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)因为作者考ACCA期间也参加了几门CPA(Certified Public Accountant,简称中国注会)的考试(还要谈恋爱还要考高口,大学时光多么不够用啊!当时楼主大三可以去外省考,现在禁...
1.accaF1-F4四门课程因难度较低,通过率较高。 2.F5-F9科目通过率整体通过率较高,保持在40%~56%之间。 3.SBL、SBR属于核心课程,难度较高,通过率基本在50%左右。 4.P4-P7属于选修课程,为四选二。通过率相较必修科目而言更低些,需要考生花费更多时间备考。
APM - Advanced Performance Management 高级业绩管理33% ATX - Advanced Taxation 高级税务49% 该怎样学习p阶段课程 制定备考计划 考生首先需要了解P阶段各科目的考试大纲和重点,明确自己的学习目标。根据剩余备考时间和个人学习效率,合理分配每个科目的学习时间。建议考生将备考过程划分为若干个阶段,如基础学习、模拟考试...