Guyana Jamaica OECS Trinidad & Tobago Virgin Islands (British) Apply nowmyACCA Use strategic planning and control models to plan and monitor organisational performance (A) Performance management information systems and developments in technology (B) ...
Advanced Performance Management (APM) Technical articles and topic explainers A library of articles and bite-sized videos to help you improve your understanding of areas you find more difficult or develop a broader insight into the subject.
APM是ACCA考试中的一科选修科目高级业绩管理,其考试通过率仅有30%左右,难度较大。在备考这一科目时,除了要多练习一些试题之外,官方提供的考试大纲和考官文章都要去了解一下,可以帮助考生更快地了解考试的方向。 Advanced Performance Management (APM) Advanced Performance Management examiner approach Advice on how ...
Your Platform is so awesome and very helpful for students! Your classes are simplified and of a very high quality. I managed to Pass APM. YOU ROCK. Tinyiko Premium Member You supported me so much during the study period with all those questions I had. I scored 71% in SBR -wow - my...
选修课程(四选二):APM(高级业绩管理)、AFM(高级财务管理)、ATX(高级税务)、AAA(高级审计与认证业务)。总之,考ACCA虽然有点难,但只要你坚持下去,按照计划一步步来,相信你一定能拿到这个证书的!加油哦!💪0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 水呆子洛洛 2025-01-04 河南副高新政!学历专业全放!🎉🎉河南副......
Key Articles: How to pass Advanced Performance Management exam ACCA APM Paper – Advanced Performance Management is concerned with managing the business so as to achieve better performance. Most of the topics were introduced in Paper MA (F2) and PM (F5), but are examined at a higher level.Le...
Exam Technique Articles On-demand CBEs (relevant to AB/MA/FA and LW exams) Session CBEs (relevant to PM/TX-UK/FR/AA and FM exams) Strategic professional – options exams (relevant to APM/ATX/AAA and AFM exams) Revise with interactive Flashcards Practice key terms and concepts using our ...
ACCA考试教材P5高级业绩管理(APM).pdf, ACCA Paper P5 Advanced performance management (APM) Essential text British library cataloguinginpublication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Publish
Pass the ACCA APM Exam with confidence with this comprehensive tuition, revision and mock exam course written by Geoff Cordwell. You will learn how to read better, write better, understand the key issues and pass the exam.
2、选修课程(四选二)(P4-P7)——APM(高级业绩管理)、AFM(高级财务管理)、ATX(高级税务)、AAA(高级审计与认证业务)。 最后为大家准备了高顿最新推出的“羊毛级别”福利,2024备考ACCA攻略,8.2G资料包全新放送!还能预约ACCA资深顾问老师开展1对1学前评估,不仅如此,高顿还为大家提供ACCA免试查询。抓紧时机,先到先得...