The syllabus for Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.
Ethics in the AAA exam Ethical standards and their application form a significant part of the AAA syllabus and are examined regularly. Auditor liability This article focuses on the issue of auditor’s liability in the UK, and therefore contains references to the UK Companies Act 2006, as well...
Syllabus section G on current issues may be examined in Section A or B as appropriate. Current issues is unlikely to form the basis of any question on its own but instead will be incorporated into the Case Study or either of the Section B questions dependent on question content and the top...
This syllabus and study guide are designed to help with teaching and learning and is intended to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session. The first 2 questions in the exam are compulsory and will be worth anywhere between 50% and 70%. The remaining 30...
并且ACCA的教材是根据Syllabus编写的,所以大家一定不能忽视了Syllabus。 不管是什么考试,万变不离其宗,教材才是所有知识点的集合处。但是ACCA的教材有三个版本,分别是BPP、KAPLAN和Becker Professional。建议大家用BPP,因为BPP相比起其他两个版本来说要更细致。 2、强化阶段 刷题我建议大家使用Exam Kit,并且一定要用...
建议:认真做完每一份past year Q(但因为每年的tax rules都会有点小变动,你需要很了解你的syllabus是怎样的,不要盲目跟着past year答案哦) 详细的小攻略也有在我的笔记里,大家可以去找找。 SBL:最新攻略,敬请期待 🌟 SBL的详细攻略在我的最新笔记里,这篇字数满了,下次继续分享。 希望这些小建议能帮到大家,祝...
要想通过AAA考试,我们必须要大量的进行练习,并且要多多地阅读考官为我们提供的各类学习资料。今天就来给大家分享一下AAA技术文章。 Exam technique for Advanced Audit and Assurance: part 1 – ethics Ethical standards and their application form a major part of the Advanced Audit and Assurance syllabus and ...
基础阶段咱们就是以教材和网课为主,并且一定要用Syllabus and Study Guide为辅。大家一定要好好阅读Syllabus and Study Guide,这样才能找出书里的重点,我们在学习的时候才知道侧重点是哪些,哪些可以浅学一下就OK。并且ACCA的教材是根据Syllabus编写的,所以大家一定不能忽视了Syllabus。
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) (INT/UK) Ask ACCA AI Tutor 24/7 Availability & Comprehensive Knowledge Base tailored to the ACCA Syllabus Post your question 20% Discount on BPP ACCA books To receive the 20% discount, order BPP books with the code below: Discount code: bppacca20optu Ord...
AAA高级审计与认证业务:适用期限2023年9月–2024年6月,变化率1%; 措辞修改,部分考试要求说明。 超实用ACCA备考资料包,助你顺利拿下ACCA证书,点击下方免费下载海量学习资料,现在领取,下一位ACCA持证人就是你! 常用的acca考试学习资料 1.Syllabus and study guide(考试大纲):是ACCA小伙伴们的复习必备,里面会详述相应...