The syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session. The syllabus outlines the content of the exam and this is broken down into subject areas and lear...
The syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session. The syllabus outlines the content of the exam and this is broken down into subject areas and learning outcomes. Th...
Mark allocation包括了professional marks,也就是我们在回答问题阐述己见的时候一定要做到professional。对于整个这门课程的syllabus,其实还是蛮简单的,内容不多,包括以下三个部分: 1. 公司治理,既corporate governance. 2. 内部控制及风险管理 3. 职业道德准则及social responsibility 理清了这个思路,P1还是很好把握的,需...
我认为这门课程的学习应该以理解为主,记忆为辅。 考官在Examiner’s Report也明确指出:Candidates that were expecting to be able to answer the questions of the exam using ‘book work’ or ‘rote learning’ knowledge generally failed to address the level 2 and level 3 skill requirements and thereby ...
We believe in keeping things simple. Our no-bull Classroom covers the entire syllabus and simplifies complex topics, so you can grasp them easily and learn faster. Exam preparation We believe in preparing you to pass. We prioritise practising past paper questions right from the start, integrating...
(25 marks each)Section A will be a compulsory case study question with typically four or five sub-requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link a range of subject areas acrossthe syllabus. It will require students to demonstrate high-level ...
3superscript,denotingintellectuallevel,markedatcandidatestostudyacrossthebreadthofeach ofeachrelevantline.Thisgivesansyllabus. indicationoftheintellectualdepthatwhichanarea couldbeassessedwithintheexamination.However,TheKnowledgemoduleisassessedbyequivalent whilelevel1broadlyequateswiththeKnowledgetwo-hourpaperbasedandcompu...
The syllabus A. Leadership领导力 1. Qualities of leadership领导力的品质 2. Leadership and organizational culture领导力与组织文化 3. Professionalism, ethical codes and the publicinterest专业、道德规范和公众利益 B. Governance公司治理 1. Agency代理 ...
Maincapabilitiesdemonstrate,andthebroadintellectuallevelat whichthesemayneedtobedemonstrated (*seeintellectuallevelsbelow). Thispaper’saimisbrokendownintoseveralmain capabilitieswhichdividethesyllabusandstudy guideintodiscretesections.LearningMaterials RelationaldiagramofthemaincapabilitiesACCAsApprovedContentProgrammeisthe ...