The syllabus for the Audit and Assurance (AA) exam is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.
1、基础阶段 基础阶段就是以教材和网课为主,并且一定要用Syllabus and Study Guide为辅。大家一定要好好阅读Syllabus and Study Guide,这样才能找出书里的重点。并且ACCA的教材是根据Syllabus编写的,所以大家一定不能忽视了Syllabus。 不管是什么考试,万变不离其宗,教材才是所有知识点的集合处。但是ACCA的教材有三个...
Candidates studying Audit and Assurance (AA) and Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) are often presented with questions that focus on the planning stage of the audit. Extracts from the AA syllabus (B) Planning and risk assessment B3 Assessing audit risks Describe the a...
Audit and Assurance 全章节的内容都可以归纳到这一张图里。图中各角色权利义务明确,各部分之间逻辑关系清晰,环环相扣。 ▲ 示例:全章节逻辑关系图 这个逻辑关系图是全章节的缩影,考前冲刺可以用这张图进行发散思维,回顾总结所学知识。 下面我将按照Syllabus的五部分,进行分块总结: 1、Audit framework and regulati...
Syllabus (整理完知识对照,看自己能不能说得出来,也可以整理笔记) Option Online courses Examers’ articles Textbook(PPT-based) Your course notes and mind map ACCA学员服务-MAX END 以上内容由李曦晨本人提供 楷柏财经教育公众号特别采访报道 转载请注明出处...
要有重点的进行学习和复习,因为AA的考察知识点比较固定,考纲变化也比较小,通过syllabus和past exams去着重学习重点知识,重要的知识点要多花时间去学习,但也不意味着只学习重点,只是其他知识点的掌握程度不用那么高。方法二、练习past exams是效果最好的。要将自己的答案和考官的答案进行比较,尽可能的...
Introduction to the Audit and Assurance (AA) syllabus The Audit and Assurance syllabus is essentially divided into five areas. The syllabus starts with the nature, purpose and scope of assurance engagements, including the statutory audit, its regulatory environment, and introduces governance and profess...
24/7 Availability & Comprehensive Knowledge Base tailored to the ACCA Syllabus Post your question 20% Discount on BPP ACCA books To receive the 20% discount, order BPP books with the code below: Discount code: bppacca20optu Order BPP ACCA books with 20% discount >> Plan your ACCA Exam Jou...
This syllabus and study guide are designed to help with teaching and learning and is intended to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session. The first 2 questions in the exam are compulsory and will be worth anywhere between 50% and 70%. The remaining 30...
AA Profile Introduction to AA New Syllabus AA and Your Future Career ic 2: A Roadmap to Start A Suessful Business 主讲嘉宾: 梁德信先生(Mr. Dickson Leung ) 中国香港 雷博国际会计(LehmanBrown International Acuntants)创始人、高级合伙人 ...