AC-130U空中幽灵攻击机是一种由米国空军使用的特种作战飞机,属于C-130大力神运输机系列的变种。它是专门设计用于执行大范围、长时间的火力支援任务,通常在夜间或恶劣天气条件下运行。AC-130重型攻击机,由洛克西德公司以美国空军C-130运输机为基础改进而来,人称“飞行炮艇” (Air Gunship)。 AC-130最早出现在越南战场...
洛克希德AC-130空中炮艇(Lockheed AC-130 Gunship)是一个由美国空军所操作的重型对地攻击机系列,是以洛克希德C-130“力士”式(Hercules)运输机为基础所进一步改装而成,主要用于密接空中支援与对地武装侦察等用途。AC-130装置有各型口径不同的机炮,乃至于后期机种所搭载的博福斯炮或榴弹炮等重型火炮...
AC-130U Spooky II GUNSHIP 商品編號:AVFS-1912025 商品規格:1/144金屬完成品 其他說明:約 20.7 cm/ 總寬度:28.1 cm 建議售價:NT$3150 網路特價:NT$2,520商品說明 U.S. Air Force 1st Special Operations Wing, 4th SOS, 92-0253 Hurlburt Field, FL USA...
Recent legislation requiring the procurement of cost-effective warranties on most major weapon systems established the requirement for warranty cost-benefit analysis during source 'off-the-shelf' warranty evaluation tool, the AC-130U Gunship Program Office, in what turned out to be a pioneering ...
AC-130U Gunship AFT-Scanner Prone Workstation Redesign Improved Mission Effectiveness: A Continuing ProcessGentnerF.C.WourmsD.F.HunnB.FarrellJ.ingentaconnectProceedings of the IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conference
Yep, it's here after all. Requested many times on many pages and here we finally go... The AC-130 Gunship in all its glory comes to GTA V. This version depicts the AC-130U Spooky II version currently in service with the USAF. It features a 25mm, 40mm and 105mm cannon to provide...
AC-130..洛克希德AC-130空中炮艇(Lockheed AC-130 Gunship)是一种由美国空军所操作的重型对地攻击机系列,是以洛克希德C-130“大力神”(Hercules)运输机为基础所进一步改装而
Add addonAC-130U Spooky II gunship Location Games:ARMA 2:Addons Filename ac_130u-1.2.7z Category Effects GFX Licence Proprietary Uploader withSIX Credits rjtwins Added Jan 5th, 2014 Size 4.9mb (5,140,020 bytes) Downloads 445 (1 today) ...
Specifications: Material: Diecast alloy metal with ABS Scale: 1:200 Size: Approximately 15.3*20.2CM Packaging: Comes with a paper box Recommended Age: Suitable for individuals aged 14 years and above Design: Authentic replica of the American Army AC-130 AC130 AC-130U Gunship Fighter Aircraft Fe...
A U.S. Air Force gunship sank a simulated fishing boat during Exercise Balikatan 2024. The exercise took place in the Philippines, where China is using paramilitary fishing boats to force its territorial claims. The destruction was part of a SINKEX that saw the AC-130 train ...