A U.S. Air Force AC-130 Gunship aircraft executes an evasive maneuver and drops chaff and flares during a firepower demonstration at the Nevada Test and Training Range in Nevada on Sept. 14, 2007. http://www.defenselink.mil/photos/newsphoto.aspx?newsphotoid=9540 I don’t know if you c...
A close up of the 40mm Bofors cannon, at left, and its 105mm howitzer, at right on an AC-130H Spectre gunship. The AC-130U has a similar configuration.,Clemens Vasters via Wikimedia The AC-130J is a very different beast, though it does have the same 105mm howitzer as the...
Modern Warfare and MW2 are part of the highly-successful Call of Duty first-person shooter video games. One of the segments has the players manning anAC-130 Spectre gunshipto wipe out the enemy: Someinteresting comments from Redditors on that angle: a_culther0 22 points 9 hours ago[-] ...
AC-130 is an arcade shooter game with old-school gameplay delivered in a modern style. You are a TV operator (gunner) aboard an AC-130 gunship, tasked with providing fire support to friendly troops on the ground. Inspired by the famous CoD 4 mission. Written in 2010 as part of a C ...
(Asgard)之中,光、暗两位绝对 分享21赞 梅西吧 icesheep 【转帖】【极长】意西英各大球队绰号及历史先简单表明下身份,94世界杯让我变成一名球迷,最喜欢看意甲和西甲,在欧洲呆过一段时间,二外三外是意大利语和西班牙语,因为在这两个国度说英文基本 分享33赞 命令与征服吧 鬼魅炮艇机原形AC-130SpectreGunship ...