The gunship’s 30mm and 105mm gun barrels are visible on the left side of the aircraft. The exercises, known as Balikatan (“Shoulder to Shoulder” in the Filipino national language, Tagalog) have run from April 22 until today, May 8, and take place in the Philippines. T...
AC-130重型攻击机,由洛克西德公司以美国空军C-130运输机为基础改进而来,人称“飞行炮艇”(Air Gunship)。AC-130最早出现在越南战场上,当时美军面对着大量缺乏防护但数量众多而零散的越南游击队、村庄、车队等目标,对付这些目标以各种口径的枪炮最为有效,且使用费用较为合理。因此美军需要一种火力强大、留空时间长的攻...
Now this is a gunship. 5.0 years ago 3,892 TheChosenOne Everyone pays attention to the actual plane. Nobody realizes that it's named after a revenge demon from the depths of hell itself. 5.0 years ago 37.3k EliteArsenals24 Literaly nobody: Call of duty guy: "AC-130 ABOVE!" ...
We completed a comprehensive exposure assessment in the cabin and cockpit of two models of the gunship, the AC130J and AC130W. During the assessment, firing exercises were completed using the 105-mm Howitzer and 30-mm GAU/23A Bushmaster II gun both individually and simultaneously. Air sampling...
“飞行炮艇”(AirGunship)。AC-130最早出现在越南战场上,当时美军面对着大量缺乏防 护但数量众多而零散的越南游击队、村庄、车队等目标,对付这些目标以各种口径的枪炮最 为有效,且使用费用较为合理。因此美军需要一种火力强大、留空时间长的攻击机。美军很 ...
(1)4×7.62mmGAU-2/A迷你炮机枪。 (2)4×20mm(0.787in)M61火神式机炮 。 总体评价洛克希德AC130空中炮艇(Lockheed AC-130 Gunship)是一个由美国空军所操作的重型对地攻击机系列,是以洛克希德C-130“力士”式运输机为基础所进一步改装而成,主要用于密接空中支援与武装侦察等用途。AC-130装置有各型口径不同的机...
ReEntry RANGES (MPH) Subsonic: <614mph | Transonic: 614-921 | Supersonic: 921-3836 | Hypersonic: 3836-7673 | Hi-Hypersonic: 7673-19180 | Reentry: >19030 Aviation Timeline EarlyYrs WWI Interwar WWII ColdWar Postwar Modern Future 1 / 1 ...
A close up of the 40mm Bofors cannon, at left, and its 105mm howitzer, at right on an AC-130H Spectre gunship. The AC-130U has a similar configuration.,Clemens Vasters via Wikimedia The AC-130J is a very different beast, though it does have the same 105mm howitzer as the...