Many social bookmarking networks will also use the meta description as a page’s description on their network. A few examples of networks that include meta descriptions areBizSugarandPocket. Just about any social bookmarking or voting network built on thePliggCMS system also uses the meta descripti...
Description vpc_id String ID of the VPC where a DB instance is located. To obtain the ID, perform the following steps: Method 1: Log in to the VPC console and view the VPC ID on the VPC details page. Method 2: Call the API for querying VPCs. For details, see Querying VPCs. subnet...
Description operation The type of OSS operation. Examples: GetObject and GetBucketStat. For more information, seeList of operations by function. object The name of the OSS object (path or file). request_id The request ID, which helps you find a request. ...
After an AI application is created, you can view its information on the details page.Log in to the ModelArts console, and choose AI Applications from the navigation pane.
After a Windows ECS instance is started, a cache file is created in the C:\ProgramData\aliyun\vminit\INSTANCE_<Instance ID>\METASERVER directory. The cache file is used to mark whether the instance is initialized. If you create a custom image from the instance and use the custom image to...
You can now go to the Locations » Add New page to add a business location. This will bring you to the Location editor page. First, you need to provide a title for your location and then add a little description. You can also review options in the left column to set the location ...
A detailed host description option supersedes a global option description sslMode, pipe and localSocket are available since 3.4.1 version Examples: localhost:3306 [2001:0660:7401:0200:0000:0000:0edf:bdd7]:3306 address=(host=localhost)(port=3306)(type=master) The ...
Table 5 Examples of performances of reputation on IMMA’s About page. Full size table Mingled IDFs Where the narrative texts on IMMA’s About page contain a discourse oriented to the artworld and a discourse oriented to the political field, the administrative genres solely contain the latter. ...
Service usage information, including browsing records, clicking records, IP address, search keyword, URL/pageview path, page access time, and cookie ID/session ID. How Do We Use Your Data? To provide you with the requested services and fulfill our contractual obligations to you, we will proces...
If local cross-origin verification fails, first verify the settings on thedomain name managementconfiguration page in the console. Errors may occur if only a custom domain name is configured. By default, localhost is approved without any specific configuration. ...