Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P et al (2014) Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic liver and spleen injuries. Chin J Traumatol 17:25–30Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P, Vieth V(2014): Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of ...
因此,腹部钝性损伤的评估包含了腹部实质脏器、空腔脏器、系膜腹膜以及血管等多方面内容。 目前,最被广泛接受的创伤评价系统是美国创伤外科协会发布的器官损伤量表(American Association for Surgery of Trauma-organ injury scale,AAST-OIS...
因此,腹部钝性损伤的评估包含了腹部实质脏器、空腔脏器、系膜腹膜以及血管等多方面内容。 目前,最被广泛接受的创伤评价系统是美国创伤外科协会发布的器官损伤量表(American Association for Surgery of Trauma-organ injury scale,AAST-OIS)。该量表1989年首版,1994第一次修订,2018年更新,该量表依据损伤器官的解剖结构变...
3) Organ Injury Scale 器官损伤分级 4) damage grade 损伤等级 1. Ship systemdamage gradeevaluation model based on fuzzy neural network 舰艇系统损伤等级模糊神经网络评估模型 2. The damage radius,critical radius and safety radius of surface ship are computed with this method in accordance with several...
Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P et al (2014) Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic liver and spleen injuries. Chin J Traumatol 17:25–30Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P, Vieth V. Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic ...
To determine whether an additional arterial phase (AP) leads to a change in the grade of splenic injury according to the 2018 revision of the AAST Organ Injury Scale, which has incorporated vascular injuries into the grading system and also to study its impact on management.#In this ...
The organ injury scale (OIS) for liver trauma by the American Association of the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) was last updated in 2018 with new "imaging criteria" that continued to grade juxtahepatic venous (JHV) injuries, regardless of presence or absence of active bleeding, as Grade V. We ...
Interpretable AIMachine learningSpleenSplenic traumaBackground:The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) splenic organ injury scale (OIS) is the most frequently used CT-based grading system for blunt splenic trauma. However, reported inter-rater agreement is modest, and an algorithm ...
Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the results of conservative management of blunt splenic trauma according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma-Organ Injury Scale (AAST-OIS) in 2018 by embolization. Methods: This observational study included 50 patients...
Grade IV renal trauma management. A revision of the AAST renal injury grading scale is mandatory. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg [Internet]. 2016 [citado 25 Ene 2017];42(2):237-241. Disponible en: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26038055...