因此,腹部钝性损伤的评估包含了腹部实质脏器、空腔脏器、系膜腹膜以及血管等多方面内容。 目前,最被广泛接受的创伤评价系统是美国创伤外科协会发布的器官损伤量表(American Association for Surgery of Trauma-organ injury scale,AAST-OIS...
Grade IVThe AAST renal injury grading scale is currently the most important variable predicting the need for kidney repair or removal, morbidity and mortality after blunt or penetrating kidney injuries. The 2doi:10.1007/s00068-015-0537-5Chiron, P....
因此,腹部钝性损伤的评估包含了腹部实质脏器、空腔脏器、系膜腹膜以及血管等多方面内容。 目前,最被广泛接受的创伤评价系统是美国创伤外科协会发布的器官损伤量表(American Association for Surgery of Trauma-organ injury scale,AAST-OIS)。该量表1989年首版,1994第一次修订,2018年更新,该量表依据损伤器官的解剖结构变...
Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P et al (2014) Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic liver and spleen injuries. Chin J Traumatol 17:25–30Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P, Vieth V(2014): Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of ...
The AAST renal injury grading scale is currently the most important variable predicting the need for kidney repair or removal, morbidity and mortality after blunt or penetrating kidney injuries. The 2011 revised version included renal pelvis, uretero-pelvic junction and segmental vascular injuries as ...
Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P et al (2014) Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic liver and spleen injuries. Chin J Traumatol 17:25–30Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P, Vieth V. Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic ...
AAST Spleen Injury ScaleThe American Association for the Surgery of Trauma sponsored an expert panel that described five categorizes of progressively more severe spleen injury which correspond to prognosis, and have been...doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00418-6_3002JeanLouis Vincent...
SCALEObjective: To determine the concordance between tomographic and surgical AAST (American Association for the Surgery of Trauma) injury grades in liver, spleen, and kidney due to blunt abdominal trauma. Method: A prospective, single-center, observational, comparative, and cross-sectional study was...
231 EXTERNAL VALIDATION OF A PROPOSED SUBSTRATIFICATION OF AAST RENAL INJURY SCALEMay 20, 2012 08:00 AMTrauma/Reconstruction: Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery IIINoneMany intermediate-grade renal injuries can be safely managed without intervention; however, a minority of these patients require either ...
此外,胰腺损伤多伴发腹部其他脏器损伤,因此临床上常依靠简明损伤定级标准(abbreviated injury scale,AIS)和创伤严重程度评分对患者伤情严重程度进行评估。AIS以解剖学为基础,依据损伤程度并按身体区域对每一损伤进行评分。AIS分值1~6分分别对应轻度、中度、较重、重度、危重和极重,胰腺损伤AAST-OIS不同分级对应的AIS评分...