AAST Spleen Injury ScaleThe American Association for the Surgery of Trauma sponsored an expert panel that described five categorizes of progressively more severe spleen injury which correspond to prognosis, and have been...doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00418-6_3002JeanLouis Vincent...
Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P et al (2014) Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic liver and spleen injuries. Chin J Traumatol 17:25–30Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P, Vieth V(2014): Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of ...
SpleenCT angiographyPseudoaneurysmVascular injuryDigital subtraction angiographyTo determine whether an additional arterial phase (AP) leads to a change in the grade of splenic injury according to the 2018 revision of the AAST Organ Injury Scale, which has incorporated vascular injuries into the grading ...
Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P et al (2014) Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic liver and spleen injuries. Chin J Traumatol 17:25–30Homann G, Toschke C, Gassmann P, Vieth V. Accuracy of the AAST organ injury scale for CT evaluation of traumatic ...
SPLEENADULTSBLUNT traumaThe spleen is the most commonly injured organ in blunt abdominal trauma. Its management depends on hemodynamic stability. According to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma-Organ Injury Scale (AAST-OIS 鈮 3), stable patients with high-grade spleni...
Resection versus drainage in the management of patients with AAST-OIS grade IV blunt pancreatic injury: A single trauma centre experience.Blunt pancreatic injuryMajor pancreatic ductSpleen-preserving distal pancreatectomySpleen-sacrificing distal pancreatectomyPeripancreatic drainage...
SCALEObjective: To determine the concordance between tomographic and surgical AAST (American Association for the Surgery of Trauma) injury grades in liver, spleen, and kidney due to blunt abdominal trauma. Method: A prospective, single-center, observational, comparative, and cross-sectional study was...
SpleenSplenic traumaBackground:The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) splenic organ injury scale (OIS) is the most frequently used CT-based grading system for blunt splenic trauma. However, reported inter-rater agreement is modest, and an algorithm that objectively automates ...
assess injury severity and guide clinical decision-making, whereby the 1994 version of the American Association of Surgery of Trauma Organ Injury Scale (AAST-OIS) is currently most commonly utilised.# Including contrast media extravasation in CT-based grading improves management and outcome prediction....