The stakeholder analysis shows that even though the relationships between them are often characterized by conflicting interests (landscape as a source of livelihood, business, or biodiversity conservation), the three stakeholder categories share a common interest in ensuring the sustainability of landscape ...
FCC chief guts net neutrality under the banner of ‘freedom’ Apr 28, 20178 mins news analysis Trump’s H-1B executive order is PR, not policy Apr 21, 20175 mins news analysis Only in the USA: ISPs get tax dollars to build weak broadband ...
For honoring Cinco de Mayo this year (or Mexican Saint Patrick’s Day as I call it), I’ve decided that instead of doing a craft and treat post for observing the holiday, I decided to mark the occasion through a post on something we associate with Mexico. That’s right pinatas. Of ...
So it goes without saying that I don’t get my information from Fox News or rely on any source that uses it, except if it’s a fake news show on Comedy Central. I don’t hide my disgust for a so-called 24-hour “news” network which I think functions more as a right-wing propa...
For one thing, they keep harping on the fact that the staff vote at KPFK tipped the balance against the referendum, that’s the staff, including the paid staff, and the volunteer programmers and other volunteers. It has always been standard that staff had separate LSB members, with seats ...
KILLING NET NEUTRALITY HAS BROUGHT ON A NEW CALL FOR PUBLIC BROADBAND byZaid JilaniDecember 15 2017, 2:17 p.m. The InterceptSource THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Commission’s 3-2 vote to repeal net neutrality rules has many worried that internet service providers will now build the same sort of...
“There are employee petitions that have gone ignored. People have openly quit because of [Rometty’s] stance on Trump. People have quit without jobs,” a source with knowledge of the inner workings of IBM told Gizmodo. Employee protest can prove powerful, however. “Tech companies go to ...
Shen and Feng conducted the China pollution source regulation information disclosure index to indicate local governments’ supervision of corporate environmental information disclosure. The empirical results showed that government regulation was positively correlated with corporate environmental information disclosure...