Google defended its Net neutrality proposal that it co-authored with Verizon Communications in apost on its public-policy blog Thursday. Since Monday, when Google and Verizontook the wraps off what the two companies are calling a "legislative framework" for public-policy makers on Net neutrality,...
考研英语于杉老师 吉林大学 语言学硕士 所谓“网络中立性”(Net Neutrality),是关于网络在作为一个应用程序层的操作平台上的一些原则,引用Wikipedia的话来说,这些原则就是“非歧视性的互联互通”,是指网络运营者(所有者)不得通过调整网络配置使服务产生差别,即平等对待所有使用该网络的用户。例如,不得以更快的速...
Google, Verizon, and Net NeutralityDr. Dobb's JournalInformationweek
Bloomberg,and other outlets have Internet giant Google and telecommunications operator Verizon striking a deal on how to manage broadband traffic—the issue at the heart of the “net neutrality” debate. According to press reports and partially confirmed with sources in both companies, the agreement ...
Google and Verizon’s policy proposal comes just after the FCCshut down closed-door hearingsregarding network neutrality—a process that has been underway for about a year and that is widely believed to have been undercut by Google’s and Verizon’sex parteframework. Industry reports also point ...
hope legislators will use their framework as a guide to clarify the powers and responsibilities of the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC's regulatory power has come into question following a court decision that found the FCC lacked the authority to impose network neutrality rules on Comcast...
Google and Microsoft said Monday that they have not backed away from their support for net neutrality principles, despite a report to the contrary. Both companies denied much of the information contained in a Wall Street Journal story, which suggested both companies have abandoned their support for...
FCC Adopts Strong Net-Neutrality Rules Telecommunications regulations have a long and storied history in politics and government, and it was recently declared that net neutrality falls under these previously established rules. At the issue's center is whether the Federal Comm... T Johnson - 《Elect...
Today, Google and Verizon released a joint statement outlining the parallel feelings the two companies foster towards net-neutrality. The statement contains seven points that both feel are crucial to keeping the world wide web open and accessible while fostering innovation, growth, and leadership in ...
As expected, Google and Verizon have unveiled their own version of net … Matthew Lasar–Aug 9, 2010 1:35 pm|118 After a week ofspeculationanddenial, Google and Verizon unveiled their own version of net neutrality in the form of a "suggested legislative framework for consideration by lawmakers...