Network neutrality regulations are intended to preserve the Internet as a non-discriminatory, public network and an open platform for innovation. Whereas t
There are several “flavors” of net neutrality–Eli Noam at Columbia University estimates there areseven distinct meaningsof the term–but most net neutrality proponents agree that reinterpreting the 1934 Communications Act and “classifying” Internet service providers as Title II “telecommunications” ...
Cato adjunct scholar Timothy Lee, a member of Princeton University's Center for IT Policy acknowledged - unlike some net neutrality opponents- that content providers like Google, Inc., do pay their "fair share" of Internet costs through payments to their own Internet access providers. However, ...
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This means that using the dual pronoun alone is insufficient as a way to achieve gender neutrality, as even verbs and adjectives indicate gender. Thus, using the feminine form of the verb “uses” results in the Arabic equivalent of the stereotypically mocked line “she uses they/them pronouns...
Contribution of prioritized urban nature-based solutions allocation to carbon neutrality Article Open access 20 July 2023 Assessing global urban CO2 removal Article 02 May 2024 Call for cities as bright spots of resource management With over 700 cities committed1 to achieving net-zero carbon goals...
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