The court may be tied up with the case for a long time. Still, even if its participants were using the language of a highly technical legal dispute, the face-off was one of the more dramatic moments so far in the battle over net neutrality. “Today we fought for an open and free in...
and UK Net neutrality debates with an eye toward identifying the arguments for and against regulation, how those arguments differ between the countries, and what the implications of those differences are for the Internet. Drawing on mass media, advocacy, and regulatory d...
What are the arguments for and against net neutrality? Supporters of net neutrality say rules are necessary to ensure broadband companies aren't taking advantage of their power over access to broadband networks. These supporters also say that reinstating the FCC's authority over broadband companies ...
北京时间15日凌晨据福克斯新闻报道,美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)周四以3-2的投票结果废除了奥巴马时代的网络中立法规(Net Neutrality Rules),虽然共和党人表示,废除之后仍将保持互联网的“自由和开放”,但却引发了消费者团体、互联网公司和民主党议员的广泛抗议。美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)日前宣布...
Check out the latest coverage from Mashable on Net Neutrality, including news, current trends, and more.
Net Neutrality keeps the internet free and open — enabling anyone to share and access information of their choosing without interference.
Yes, the end of net neutrality is here and everyone has an opinion, statement, or some scenario. The reality is we're just caught in the middle of a Goliath vs Goliath power struggle.
Net neutrality supporters worry that large ISPs may take advantage of their FCC-approved freedom. They may not slow down or block competing services yet, but they may exempt their own content from data limits, enabling their customers access to this content without it counting against their data...
He pointed to Comcast's announcement last month that itplans to reintroduce data capson its cable broadband service as an example of how broadband companies are feeling emboldened without net neutrality protections and FCC oversight. "Preserving FCC ability to craft flexible protections against unjust...
Policy discussions both for and against net neutrality regulation target issues such as blocking or filtering online content, preferential Internet speeds based on business agreements, throttling to limit user upload and download rates, and market competition and innovation to offer consumers the best cho...