The calculatedDRSmatrices (three matrices) are integrated into a uniqueDRS(UDRS) matrix using the SNF method. The iterative non-linear process is used by the SNF approach based on message-passing theory for consolidating a given set into one comprehensive matrix [43]. Using the SNF approach, t...
In the subsequent test sessions, goats first observed a human demonstrator opening the closed sliding door and were then given the opportunity to open the door themselves. All goats had received a total of 10 sessions over 10 consecutive days. At the end of the experiment, all but four dwarf...
To validate these observations, we performed proximity ligation assays (PLAs) for several of the top hits, including the SWI–SNF component ARID1A, the Mediator component MED1 and NUP153, in both WT and AR-mutant cells. There was an evident PLA signal for WT AR in association with MED1 ...
Example 1, Example 2. Paper Ouyang, John F., Uma S. Kamaraj, Elaine Y. Cao, and Owen JL Rackham. "ShinyCell: simple and sharable visualization of single-cell gene expression data." Bioinformatics 37, no. 19 (1 October 2021): Kana - ...
The decomposition of an image between a smooth part and a non smooth or oscillatory part is a current subject of research (for example Osheretal. [10]). In[8], Y.Meyer studied the suitable functional spaces for this decomposition. The primary scope of this latter study is not denoising ...
RAD59, involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in the DNA, has a profile that shows a clear component of feature 2 (labeled asDNA repairby the experts);SNF2, encodes the catalytic subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, has a high value at feature 4 (labeled as...
snfServer native format fonts are another version of X11 bitmap font. See the entry for PCF files, above, for more information.styStyle files are used by LaTeX to define the layout of a LaTeX document (by redefining the meaning of commands like \section, for example). They are also used...
given supportive feedback on the work I do’, job control ‘I have a choice in deciding how I do my work’ and role ‘I am clear of what is expected of me at work’. Three items of the Salutogenic Subjective Work Analysis questionnaire referring to resources were used, for example, ...
For example, in Fig. 3,△ is defined by J(p,q1), J(p,q2) and J(p,q3). Moreover, the vertical boundaries of △ are defined either by an intersection point or by a point of vertical tangency, but the vertical boundaries may be degenerate; see △′ in the right-part of Fig. 2...
(Frankiaspp.), in which the plants provide a niche and carbon to the bacteria in exchange for fixed nitrogen17. SNF involves constant metabolic cross-talk between the plant and the bacteria18, and it is a paradigmatic example of bacterial cellular differentiation19and sociomicrobiological ...