🌙关于本书——关于死亡、抵制变革和孤独入骨的南方哥特式故事 《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰》(1930年)首次发表于《论坛》杂志。威廉·福克纳的这篇小说以非线性风格展开,以虚构的杰斐逊镇的一位名人艾米丽的葬礼为开端,然后回溯她的生活片段,以及她每况愈下的健康状况和
从翻译的角度和读者的角度, 个人感觉标题译为“悲情玫瑰” 更好, 因为全文中唯一出现 rose(玫瑰) 的地方是小说的第五部分中(171) A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon...
A Rose for Emily 英文分析及简评“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of theGriersonhouse inJefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss EmilyGrierson’shome has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among ...
艾米丽小姐的两个表妹(Miss Emily’s two female cousins) 甚至比艾米丽小姐更傲慢,这些表兄弟从阿拉巴马州来到杰斐逊,与艾米丽小姐一起生活,并监督她的行为,大概是为了确保她在她和霍默浪漫地交往时不会违反南方社会的严格礼仪守则。 史蒂文斯法官(Judge Stevens) 杰斐逊市长在萨托里斯之后的一段时间,史蒂文斯法官收到...
《a rose for emily》短篇小说中的Emily是个可怜的受害者,是她的父亲使她成为一个孤僻的人,也许她知道别人对她的关心,但是在她封闭的情感中又意图拒绝这种有限的关怀,哪怕是是她最需要的感情。其实Emily拥有很多可贵的事物,如果她能敞开心扉,她的人生就会像玫瑰那样鲜艳和美丽了。
“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house inJefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first ...
福克纳小说献给艾米丽的玫瑰 a rose for emily 赏析 来源于爱英语吧_ 人们之所以寂寞,是因为他们不去修桥,反而筑墙将自己围堵起来. ---埃默森 A ROSE FOR EMILY 是威廉. 福克纳非常著名的短篇小说, 它特殊之处就在于它能够让人全神灌注地把整篇看完, 之后仍然意犹未尽,又多么希望把整个故事说给别人听; 虽然...
1、“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Griersons home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first se...
Emily’s father.The description of the house paves a way for the development of scenario.As a reader, I might feel ghastly.Therefore, it’s conceivable that the spine-chilling story happens there.At the end of the story, out of curiosity,people go into her chamber,seeing faded rose color...
A-Rose-for-Emily-英文分析及简评 “ARoseforEmily”isdividedintofivesections. ThefirstsectionopenswithadescriptionoftheGriersonhouseinJefferson.Thenarratormentions thatoverthepast100years,MissEmilyGrierson’shomehasfallintodisrepairandbecome“aneye soreamongeyesores.”Thefirstsentenceofthestorysetsthetoneofhowthe...