Towards Large-scale 3D Representation Learning with Multi-dataset Point Prompt Training 摘要 大规模3D表示学习的目标:利用多数据集协同训练的方法,克服3D数据稀缺的问题,学习更具泛化性的3D表示,提高3D场景理解的性能。 负迁移问题的挑战:由于3D数据集之间存在较大的领域差异,直接合并多个数据源进行训练可能导致模型...
《SHINE-Mapping: Large-Scale 3D Mapping Using Sparse Hierarchical Implicit Neural Representations》目前还是arxiv的预刊印版本,作者是波恩大学的团队,一作本身也是MULLS的作者(MULLS之前有写过论文分析,超链接)。这篇文章主要做的是NERF+SLAM建图的工作,感觉今年ICRA和IROS这个方向的论文会杀得血流成河,竞争很激烈...
The CreatBot D1000 was created to make industrial 3D printing of large-scale objects and prototype as easy as possible.It is embedded with many advanced technology for ultra big, impressive, prints.It will be your best choice with no doubt, If you are looking for an lndustrial large scale ...
3D Semantic Parsing of Large-Scale Indoor Spaces笔记 简介 随着扫描大规模空间的成熟技术的出现,三维传感已经取得了重大进展;可以可靠地形成成千上万平方米的三维点云。现有的理解语义的方法不适合这种规模和类型的数据。这就需要能够处理这种规模的语义分析方法,理想情况下,需要能够利用这种规模点云的独特特征(如复杂...
The use of large-scale three-dimensional computer models developed in the contexts of systems for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) and geographic information systems (GIS), which now leads to the issues of how best to integrate data, allowing for the interoperability of data develo...
Z. Sisi P. David Large-Scale 3D Data Integration 2006 CRC Boca Raton, FL 0-8493-9898-3 (245pp., US$129.95/ Euro74.99)This paper explores the state of the art in 3D city modelling and draws attention to the 'missing link' between models of buildings and models of the surrounding ...
"Large-Scale 3D Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities" examines the fundamental aspects of 3D geo-information, focusing on the latest developments in 3D GIS (geographic information) and AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) systems. This book addresses policy makers, designers and engine...
[3] Hamad Al Jassmi, Fady Al Najjar, Abdel-Hamid Ismail Mourad, Large-Scale 3D Printing: The Way Forward, 2018(324):012088.[4] 杨佳峰,把房子盖到月球上去,华中科技大学院士团队研究机器人就地取材造月面基地,长江日报。[5] David Malott, AI spacefactory releases designs for first human ...
3.LARGE-SCALE3DGENERATIVEMODEL(还在看预计9/8日前更新完第3、4节,应该能解决不少上面的疑问) 更新中,这篇解读既是为了学习新方法,也为了之后工作面试做准备,原文翻译用的是GPT4o,中间我有疑问的地方和思考的以引用的形式写在每段下方,欢迎交流讨论。 原文阅读: 0. 引言部分 在数字创作领域,我们将复杂的3D世...
(2)如果几何模型具有相对较低的分辨率并且不能完美地表示真实的对象几何体,也会发生这种情况。 (3)图像尺度的强烈差异:同一人脸在一个视图中可能覆盖不到一个像素,而在另一视图中覆盖数千个像素。如果这些视图被混合,远处的视图会模糊特写中的细节。这可以通过对要混合的图像进行加权[5]或通过在频率空间[2,6]中...