由逻辑表达式可以得出,普通的8-3编码器用或门即可实现。对应的verilog程序如下: modulemb_83(x,y);input[7:0]x;output[2:0]y;reg[2:0]y;always@(x)begincase(x)8'b00000001:y=3'b000;//当 当 x=8 ’b00000001,则则 y 输出为 3 ’b0008'b00000010:y=3'b001;//当 当 x=8 ’b00000010,则...
module decoder38(input [2:0]code,output reg[7:0]result );always@(*)begin if(code[2])if(code[1])if(code[0])result = 8'h80;else result = 8'h40;else if(code[0])result = 8'h20;else result = 8'h10;else else if(code[1])if(code[0])result = 8'h08;else result ...
下面程序是一个3-8译码器的VerilogHDL描述,试补充完整。空(1) decoder_38(out,in)output[7:0] out;input[2:0] i
3.编写verilog代码 //声明 module decoder3_8( a,b,c, out ); //说明 input a; input b; input c; output [7:0]out; reg [7:0] out; //因为out在always块中使用,要定义成reg类型 //时序逻辑 always @(a,b,c) //always@(*) begin case({a,b,c}) 3'b000: out=8'b0000_0001; 3'...
// Project Name: 3:8 Decoder /// moduleTestModule; // Inputs rega; regb; regc; // Outputs wired0; wired1; wired2; wired3; wired4; wired5; wired6; wired7; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) Decoder uut ( .a(a), .b...
module decoder38(input [2:0]code,output reg[7:0]result );always@(*)begin if(code[2])if(code[1])if(code[0])result = 8'h80;else result = 8'h40;else if(code[0])result = 8'h20;else result = 8'h10;else else if(code[1])if(code[0])result = 8'h08;else result ...
Verilog编的8-3编码器以下是我编的8-3编码器.请看下有什么问题吗module decoder(in,out,none_on);input [7:0]in;output [2:0]out;output none_on;reg [2:0]out;none_on = 0;alwaysbegincase(in)10000000:out = 111;01000000:out = 110;00100000:out = 101;00010000:out = 100;00001000:out = ...
你写的代码有如下错误或者不恰当的地方:1. 贴出来的代码没有编排,别人看起来根本没有所谓的coding style,看不了,谁会帮你分析,谁会回答呢?2. none_on的功能不明确,而且声明不正确。因该是reg none_on;不能直接写none_on。module decoder(in,out,none_on);input [7:0] in;output...
In digital electronics, a decoder can take the form of a multiple-input, multiple-output logic circuit that converts coded inputs into coded outputs, where the input and output codes are different. e.g. n-to- 2n, binary-coded decimal decoders. Decoding is necessary in applications such as...
74LS139 - Decoder/Demultiplexer - Fairchild Semiconductor 2022-11-04 17:22:44 用2-4译码器连接为3-8译码器 我先写了一个2-4译码器 通过testbench确定2-4译码器写的没有错误 但是将2-4译码器连接成3-8译码器的时候出现错误Error (10663): Verilog HDL Port jf_88912578 2020-08-23 20:36:24 74L...