an improved 8/10 bit encoder combining K code and D code was put forward.The method was simpler,faster and took less logical resources than the traditional methods.The encoder was designed by Verilog HDL language.Function verification was carried out by Modelsim software.An 8/10 bit coding ...
A new design of HDB3 encoder / decoder based on FPGA is proposed to deal with the high complexity and long output delay of the encoder and no error correction function of the decoder which have been implemented so far. The encoder has the function of converting a NRZ code sequence to a ...
纯Verilog 设计,可在各种FPGA型号上部署 用于压缩 8bit 的灰度图像。 可选无损模式,即 NEAR=0 。 可选有损模式,NEAR=1~7 可调。 图像宽度取值范围为 [5,16384],高度取值范围为 [1,16384]。 极简流式输入输出。背景知识JPEG-LS (简称JLS)是一种无损/有损的图像压缩算法,其无损模式的压缩率相当优异,优于...
// determine the max vertical pixel count. 4->256 pixels 5->512 pixels 6->1024 pixels 7->2048 pixels .parameterVECTOR_LEVEL =3,// motion vector range level, must be 1, 2, or 3. The larger the XL, the
Y 交付内容 可供购买的 IP 格式 Source Code, Netlist 源代码格式 VHDL, Verilog 是否包含高级模型? Y 模型格式 C 提供集成测试台 Y 集成测试台格式 VHDL, Verilog 是否提供代码覆盖率报告? N 是否提供功能覆盖率报告? N 是否提供 UCF? UCF 商业评估板是否可用? Y 评估板所用的 FPGA Kintex-7 是否提供软件...
AVerilogHDLmodulewiththetop-leveldemotestbench variationname_tb.v forthecore. NotestoTable2–1: (1)Thesefilesarevariationdependent,somemaybeabsentortheirnamesmaychange. (2)variationnameisaprefixvariationnamesuppliedautomaticallybytheMegaWizardinterface. (3)Ifyouchoosethedecodermode,thefilenameisvariationname...
HDL Code Generation Generate VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog code for FPGA and ASIC designs using HDL Coder™. Version History Introduced in R2012b See Also Objects comm.RSEncoder|comm.HDLRSDecoder Functions ceil|primpoly Blocks Integer-Input RS Encoder HDL Optimized ...
A Verilog HDL module with the top-level demo testbench for the core. Notes to Table 2–1: (1) These files are variation dependent, some may be absent or their names may change. (2) is a prefix variation name supplied automatically by the MegaWizard interface. (3) If you choose the ...
This can be achieved by inserting two registers in series with each of the inputs to be delayed, the following example Verilog code shows how to implement the required delay registers. Example: Adding delay to rdforce and rdin for non-cascaded applications: // The _pre2 registers are set ...
System Verilog Macro: A Powerful Feature for Design Verification Projects Optimizing Analog Layouts: Techniques for Effective Layout Matching Dynamic Memory Allocation and Fragmentation in C and C++ Congestion & Timing Optimization Techniques at 7nm Design See the Top 20 >>©...