PURPOSE:To enable a work to be fed only by a single transfer means by forming an engaging section for permitting an inner shuttle bar to engage disengageably an outer one according to the turn of a turn table and regulating the relative rotation and axial displacement of both bars during the...
面积:3.12万平方公里 区划:敦煌市辖5个镇、4个乡:沙州镇、肃州镇、莫高镇、转渠口镇、七里镇、杨家桥乡、郭家堡乡、黄渠乡、阳关镇 经纬度:92°13′E 39°53′N 气候描述: 每年的5月至10月是敦煌旅游的最佳时间。敦煌深处内陆,受高山阻隔,远离潮湿的海洋气流,属极干旱大陆性气候,年均气温9.3℃,7月平均...