Akzo Epoxy Primer 10P4-2NF 所在地 上海市松江区金高路2388号813室 联系电话 86-021-20228098 手机 13391171050 销售经理 张婕请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 产品详细介绍 A chemically cured epoxy primer that provides excellent corrosionand chemical resistance for aircraft detail and subassembly pa...
EINECS编号: Akzo 10P4-2NF (BAC452) Green Fluid Resistant Epoxy Primer 品牌: Akzo 10P4-2NF (BAC452) Green Fluid Resistant Epoxy Primer 别名: Akzo 10P4-2NF (BAC452) Green Fluid Resistant Epoxy Primer 分子式: Akzo 10P4-2NF (BAC452) Green Fluid Resistant Epoxy Primer A chemically ...
a chemically cured epoxy primer that provides excellent corrosionand chemical resistance for aircraft detail and subassembly parts.when used as the base primer for specification approved epoxy andpolyurethane topcoats, the primer/topcoat system provides theoptimum protection for interior structural component...
价格:请来电询价 联系电话:86-021-20228098 联系手机:13391171050 联系人:张婕 让卖家联系我 详细介绍 A chemically cured epoxy primer that provides excellent corrosion and chemical resistance for aircraft detail and subassembly parts. When used as the base primer for specification approved epoxy and polyur...